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    Hey People!

    Posted By AncientSeed on Jun 29th 2014

    Hello one and all on this the day of this groups Birth!
    There is a lot you need to know, number one being. I don't really know how to run a dream, I have a few good ideas from what I have seen of other dreams. And I have hope that this will pay off and be fun in the end.

    I want to make a dream where characters and players really matter. Where as a group we can come together to build a village, or save it from destruction or even save the world from some evil wizard that decided to start with the wrong village. Rp is about working together to solve problems, and occasionally to make them. It is fun to be the hero and everyone should get the chance to save the day, or to win a fight, or to be the center of attention. As long as it is all done in moderation and everyone gets a chance in the limelight we can have a great experience together. Weather you are a knight, a wizard, a traveling musician, or even a carpenter, child or even just an old half blind lady.

    I do hope you decide to join me, decide to let your influence shape the way this dream evolves. I don't know how to do this alone, I don't think anyone does. So please join me, and let us have an adventure!
  • Taderron: Ancient Seeds of Magic
  • Notice Board

    • Rumors have begun to spread across taverns and down trade routes that some dark presence has began to stir around the old village of Taderron. IT wouldn't really be called evil, but some creepiness and unease hangs in the forest and along the roads near it.
  • Taderron
    a Half a days walk from the nearest port is the Village of Taderron. Home to far more sheep then people, and a place where the majority of residents are over the age of sixty-five, it used to be small and peaceful. The peaceful has changed, over recent weeks the woods have seemed to change, there is an eerie quality among the trees, as if something stirs in the woods. A rumor has spread to the port and beyond, that a darkness is infesting the woods. Though nothing evil has shown its face, yet.
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