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Rave Reviews

How haven't I given Degu kudos yet?! Degu is a longtime friend and RP partner, and someone I truly treasure. His characters are each unique and multifaceted, and his villains are some of my favorites. Whatever your RP preference, Degu is quick to provide a comedic response or heart-wrenching drama, and he's eager to partake in nearly any RP setting. Whether it's RPing cowboys or aliens, I always look forward to what's next with our characters! Kind and understanding Long-term partner - bitteryeen
Harpur Delhardt (played by Degu)
I don't think anyone ever expected the Watchers to have so much character growth, but then you have Harpur. Ruthless Watcher leader now defected with a ragtag group of baddies-turned-goodies, he bent over backwards to ensure that his 'family' is kept safe while he deals with his own tortured emotions. Harpur is a prime example of how a villain's redemption arc is done so well, and I'm excited to see how he will continue to develop after losing so much. - Avelithe

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