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Forums » Help » Switching back to old RPR editor

Hey! : )

Just as a personal preference, I really liked the simplicity of the old character editor's UI and was wondering if there's an option to go back?

I’m going to say no as it was I believe a complete rebuild for 2.0. I’m sure someone more knowledgeable can verify this
Sanne Moderator

Shadow-Ranger is correct! Kim built 2.0 from scratch, meaning the current tools are made on a new framework and the old editors don't exist anymore in their original condition. The fact that this build of RPR relies on a different framework unfortunately also means that there's no way to offer the old tools anymore, they simply wouldn't function at all.

What about the old editor is it that you'd like to have as an option in 2.0? It's worth suggesting as Kim keeps working on maintaining and upgrading 2.0 and takes all community feedback with her in her decision making. :)
Silas Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Shadow-Ranger is correct! Kim built 2.0 from scratch, meaning the current tools are made on a new framework and the old editors don't exist anymore in their original condition. The fact that this build of RPR relies on a different framework unfortunately also means that there's no way to offer the old tools anymore, they simply wouldn't function at all.

What about the old editor is it that you'd like to have as an option in 2.0? It's worth suggesting as Kim keeps working on maintaining and upgrading 2.0 and takes all community feedback with her in her decision making. :)

I just find there's a lot more steps to create a profile with the additional need for saving per edit/action. It feels like this video sometimes and I end up losing the motivation to create or complete the profile.

Likewise when I delete a character as I like to delete in bulk -- the question boxes and password input really slow the process down comparatively. I understand the need but if I could disable the check boxes that would be ideal.
wilts wrote:

I just find there's a lot more steps to create a profile with the additional need for saving per edit/action.

Likewise when I delete a character as I like to delete in bulk -- the question boxes and password input really slow the process down comparatively.

I definitely agree all the question boxes are a lot and it would be nice to have an option to 'check all' at the very bottom.

I mainly wanted to hop in and say you don't have to save per every edit and action, you can continue on just creating an entire page and only then push save. :) The save button is just there regardless after every action but you are only required to push it after inputting a gallery widget in order to edit and use the widget. As long as you don't refresh the page and cache entirely, you don't need to save until you are done even if you close that widget and open another to edit it.

My advice on making the character page process easier is to go one row at a time, divide into columns if you want multiple, put the widgets, which only takes about 1 minute per row if that, and you don't have to drag widgets upwards from the bottom unless you change your mind on one of them. Compared to making all the rows and columns at the same time and then dragging all the widgets into all the columns which takes much longer.
If you also want to stick with bbcode and have it be as similar to the previous editor as possible, you can just do one row with one column, put as many widgets as it will hold (I'm not sure the max number) and there you go.

Here is an example, of just one row, one column (which is what you start with and don't have to input yourself), and like 15 seconds to click each widget into the column in total.

I used one of your bbcode templates as an example.

Here's what it looks like in the editor.
Kim Site Admin

Just echoing/confirming what others have said --

There isn't a way to go back to the old editor, sorry! It would be useless under current circumstances, as nothing would function.

You were definitely intended to save at the end of an editing session when you're all done, not after every single change. :)

This editor needs a lot of improvements, but the good news it that it isn't frozen in its current state. It will change and improve with time, just as the old editor did. :)
Likewise when I delete a character as I like to delete in bulk -- the question boxes and password input really slow the process down comparatively. I understand the need but if I could disable the check boxes that would be ideal.
I definitely agree all the question boxes are a lot and it would be nice to have an option to 'check all' at the very bottom.

Sorry -- this one was pure self-defense. I've gone from about a dozen people a month asking me to go through the fairly intensive process of getting their characters out of backup because they "weren't really thinking" or "changed their mind" to usually zero. It is absolute bliss. The only way I could find to get people to actually read those warnings was to force a bit of effort on that page.

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