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... actually, that sounds a lot funnier if y'all actually heard me yell it. Little joke my friends and I have about another friend. He sounds ridiculous when he yells 'help.'


How do I add a forum avatar to my profile? This little question mark is irking me.
Kim Site Admin

Visit Dashboard > Your Profile and then click on the icon. You'll be able to upload a new one. :)
Kim Site Admin

And I see you found it while I was typing that post! XD
Raymond Topic Starter

So sorry about that. My browser was blocking the feature because of an 'invalid certificate,' and I didn't realize it. Total wasted space I just made.
Kim Site Admin

Well, now I'm really interested. There shouldn't even BE a certificate on that page.

In your URL bar, is there a https or is it just http at the start of the address?
Raymond Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Well, now I'm really interested. There shouldn't even BE a certificate on that page.

In your URL bar, is there a https or is it just http at the start of the address?

Http. No 's.' I'm also using a pretty darned outdated version of Windows Explorer, so that might have something to do with it. I should really just re-download firefox. The day microsoft makes something that doesn't suck, is the day they start making vacuums.
Kim Site Admin

Hmmn, that does sound like your issue. I am reassured.

Glad you figured it out though!

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