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Forums » The World of Aromaria » The World of Aromoria

Population Breakdown

40%-50% of the population
Species commonly known as fae, or fairies, are one of the most common creatures to be seen in Aromaria. The government of Aromaria is run equally between the Kings and Queens of the regional Seelie and Unseelie courts.

Socially, being a fae comes with a significant degree of privilege and, more often than not, the fae are in the upper echelon of society.

The number includes many subspecies of fae such as brownies and crystalarians, a subspecies of wingless fae unique to Aromaria.

30% - 40% of the population

The aromatics are the aboriginals of Aromaria. While they were once the majority, a hostile takeover by the fae as significantly reduced their numbers. While the fae take on high positions in government, Aromatics tend to hold higher positions in the spiritual community of Aromaria (ex: Priests). A majority of the population, including the fae, spiritually practice beneath Aromatics.


3% - 5% of the population

While it is relatively uncommon to see a furrie in Aromaria, it's not a surprising occurrence.


1 - 3 % of the population

It is quite rare to see a human in Aromaria, so rare in fact, that they are often coveted as companions and high end pets.

Extremely Rare
1- 2%

Anything that is not covered by the above-mentioned categories. A very rare occurrence

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BF - Before Fae
AF - After Fae

1980 AF - Where Aromaria forum roleplay takes place