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Plot and Place

  • Once upon a time, there was a group of friends...They loved each other held on to one another. Leaned on the other people for support for most of theyre young days. Happiness, love, being adorable kids. Until the 5th grade storm came in (Insert crazy lightning here Ptchsshhh). We all ended up hating each other. Everything that another person did was completely weird and annoying and bleh. We eventually all disbanned and began scaveging on our own. We were picked at by big animals and harsh predators but we made it through middle school and highschool.

    And there came to what they thought would be a big tornado. COLLEGE! Dun, DUn, DUN! (Insert crazy crashing and wind noises whooosh pchow!) When they came to this tornado it was so big and scary but little did they know that they were all at the same tornado together and theyre friendship will later turn it into a beautiful rainbow. They walked to there dorms and stayed for about a week until the letter came.

    This knight in diguise said many words...Lucky Im nice enough to write this shit down..
    Hello student of uh...Belbock University!
    I have came to give you and youre amazing talent blah blah blah...A mansion for you and several people that also have talent...Yata Yata...
    Hooe you have a nice stay at OF Mansion, Bye!

    All of them automatically packed their clothes and got there. This place was beautiful. A big pond, river outside with a garden and lots of greenery along with a pool in the backyard, obviously has a jacuzzi. Ten rooms already decorated with all that they need. A big kitchen. 14 damn bathrooms. A cinema room. A game room. A big ass loft. A living room. Spiral stairs. A natural tree on the roof with a swing and a tree house. An indoor pool, incase its a bit chilly. And A laundry room -_-. Cant wait tosee all of the adventures we have togther! Bye!
  • The place where you reunite with all of your old companions...*Whispers* Or maybe more...Hehe
  • Mansion