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  • Survive on a deserted island after the cruise ship had crashed, work alone, collaborate.. do what you must to survive.
  • Setting

    You were on a cruise ship enjoying the time of your life. Eating, drinking and mingling with the crowd of people on the deck of the ship. Someone in the distance on the other side of the ship raises clamor and through the grapevine you hear the mention of a storm drawing near. Not worried, as ships were meant to handle storms, while it was still never good to be In them. You continue about your enjoyment when the sun was blocked by a looming dark cloud, what was once a joyous atmosphere, turned hushed and foreboding. A strong wave crashes against the side of the ship, sending many citizens sprawling or clinging to railings or stable structures. Another strong wave crashes, dislodging a large group of people. Then the sirens came for everyone to get back to their cabins quickly as the storm raged. A torrent of rain pelted the cruise ship as the patrons made their way back to the cabins. You were along the crowd, shuffling your way to your own cabin with deep dread in your gut. That siren meant there was a hurricane, the cruise ships safety mechanisms were in effect and get out of the storms path quickly. As you hunker down, you hear the howling wind outside, and the gravity of the situation sinks in.

    You had blacked out, sodden and tattered with a hazy mind, trying to remember what happened up to this point, but the knock to your head gave you amnesia. You don't know if it's temporary and as you stir, you feel a swell push your form and alertness brought back to your consciousness. You look up, your gaze swimming and you suddenly retch salty water from your orifice. Glancing around, your heart sank. You were on an island, will you survive?