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  • Welcome

    A once closed species created by Nekomanics (Cakey), they are now co-owned by Konnie and Unicorn as of August 2023.

    We are currently revamping them to give them more life and interest in playing, feel free to join if you already have one and update with the new traits if you feel interested!

    We will be offering a way for those who have one to unlock these new traits in a way that will make sense ICly.

    We are going forward with no shared bloodline - any ties yours may have to the former founding five please let us know of and we can work with you to not put holes in your backstory!

    This breed is an open species. Interested in playing one? Join the group to start building!
  • Revamped Traits

    Regarding Fertility
    They are incapable of breeding outside their two common trait ancestors - only equines or cervidae, including mythical (uncommon but possible).

    Two dapple deer can have children, with traits a blend of their parents’ or split between twins.
    Anything more than twins is impossible.

    Regarding Bloodlines
    A blend of any equine and cervidae can, but not always, create a dapple deer, and only those that are properly dappled would be considered of true value and respect. Those without can call themselves such, but will be likely treated as inferior.

    Magical Capability
    We are limiting their magic to being that of Druidic or Trickster Fey in nature, where those who have abilities must get them approved.
    We are happy to workshop with you if you have a concept in mind.
  • Neko Info

    Dapple Cervidaes, or commonly known as dapple deers, are an exotic mixture of the dapple coated equine and a hybrid fallow x white tail deer. A combination bred to give the beauty and light foot of a Cervidae and the strength and regal nature of the Equine.

    =Bucks & Does=

    Positive - - Shared - - Negative


    Range between 6ft-7ft

    Antlers (Typically a mixture of fallow and white tail)


    Lean to heavier muscle built

    Cervidae muzzle and nose

    (Though typically thicker then females)

    Equine based hooves

    Tail a mixture of Cervidae and Equine

    (appendage with tuff turning into short equine like tail)

    Cervidae pupils

    Cervidae / equine ears

    Some form of dappling on pelt

    Prone to rutting tempers

    Prone to slipping on wet or iced surfaces

    Prone to painful antler grown and shedding


    Range between 4'10-5'10

    Petite to lean voluptuous

    Cervidae muzzle and nose

    (Typically more petite then males)

    More sure footed

    (Due to being smaller then males their center of gravity is better)

    Equine based hooves

    Tail a mixture of Cervidae and Equine

    (appendage with tuff turning into short equine like tail)

    Cervidae pupils

    Cervidae / equine ears

    Some form of dappling on pelt

    No antlers

    Can be prone to short attention spans

    Can be easily fatigue depending on their size