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    Welcome to Warren Academy


    All students is required to wear their school uniforms and the uniform is required to be clean and neatly kept all day

    Warren Academy is a prestigious high school that require good grades and a lot of money to get in... Unfortunately the school became famous on a way they didn't wanted last year when a students diaries was stolen and shared with the entire school on the homecoming dance. The student became a meme and she had to change schools. Needless to say her parents was furious and they wanted to sue the school but due to the deans excellent damage control they kept it outside the court room instead the school it took some serious damage control from the dean to reduce that damage on the schools reputation and when the students parents threatned to sue the school went out of it's way to make sure that didn't happened and they agreed to pay the student and her parents a large amount of money but how much they got no one knows due to the signing of a non disclosure agreement... But the money wasn't enough for the student she wanted revenge and now after almost a year she is back... Not on the school but she has sent a message where she threatens to reveal all of her former friends secrets