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  • welcome_by_freejayfly-dbndx5g.png

    Welcome to the dedicated RPRepository Hyperion group. Here, you can choose to engage in forum RP with other members that have found themselves interested in this venue. Being a public venue, we must stress to keep things within the PG-13 rating when it comes to role playing within the forums.

    Due to being a place to RP with others, and being very much optional in terms of the group aspect of things, there will be no rewards or events that take place on these forums. There are no real restrictions when it comes to role playing on the forums; just keep the general group's rules in mind, and all will be good.


    If you're new to RPR, and you're interested in role playing on this venue for Hyperion Conference, all you have to do is sign up. Unlike some other forum venues, RPR allows for users to create their own character pages and post as that character to certain topics that are relevant.

    You can find a lot of information about RPR, how to set up your account, and how to get your character pages all spiffy by going here.
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