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  • Welcome

    Hello and welcome to the group page!

    "Return of Tales" is the name of an event that simply could be described as an island with magical creatures rising from the sea in far future. But it is not only that. It is time. Time when humans care little to nothing for Earth, willing to turn it into Intergalactic Junkyard. Only those, who stayed silent and watched, hoping humans would come to their senses finally, are now protesting, taking back what was once theirs - Earth. However, the Government does all they can and a little more to wipe mythical creatures out...
    So, come and find your place, among the chased, or the hunters.
  • Activity

    No recent activity to show.

  • Rules

    General Rules still apply, that includes:
    • No God-Moding, Power playing.
    • No killing other character without player's permission.
    • No explicitly gory, sexual or foul-mouthed play - this group has no warnings for a reason.
    • Be respectful, (and say "the end" in the application) leave drama at the other side of door.
    • Do take the setting into consideration and don't bring a God here, unless he or she is adapted to fit in.
    • You can have group and private role plays in the forums, but make it clear which one it is in the Ttitle of thread.
  • Group Announcements

    No announcements to display.