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Info on Enonaties

  • Enonaties

    Appearance (Male)

    The male Enonaties are tall-ish in heights (not being a casual tall-like height is rather rare), and their body type is a somewhat thin type or the average body type of a regular human person. But, it's fairly common to see both types as a feature for male Enonaties.

    Like their female counterparts, the male Enonaties have milky white complexions, which flaunt in an unsettling elegance, and how deep the whiteness of their skin goes seems practically impossible. In the sunlight, they could be classically mistaken for some type of vampire, for their skin can shine in the light at times, to the point where trickery creates the mirage of the skin beginning to slightly burn.

    The male Enonaties have rather large eyes on their face. The colors are always ranged from a dull, dark gray color for their eyes, or a silver gray color for their eyes, which would bore into the gazes of others.

    For the males, their hair color is usually one solid color, which consists from many dark/light shades of blue or many dark/light shades of red. It's usually kept in a neat and calmed manner, in order for them to seem presentable.

    Their attire consists of only short, robe-like clothes that were sewn with black, red, or both colored fabrics. And for the male Enonaties, their large hats, which usually conceals most of an Enonaty's hair, adorned on their heads are also in the same color scheme with their clothes. It's a rather traditional color scheme for all Enonaties.

    Appearance (Female)

    The female Enonaties range from a short to an average height, and are barely seen to be as tall, or taller than male Enonaties. Their body type is usually one of an hourglass type, or just plain regular, like a human's regular body. It is more common for them to have an hourglass body type, while a regular one is uncommon.

    Like their male counterparts, female Enonaties have this pale, nearly milky white complexion, that can resemble one of a classic thought of a vampire's skin. The complexion has a sort of vibrancy to them, which makes it seem like it wants to flaunt itself toward others that stare upon it. In extremely broad sunlight, the female's white skin seem to give off a sparkle, which indicates them to be Enonaties instead of vampires to some wary people.

    A female Enonaty's rather large eyes can range from a silver gray, to really light colors of gray, to the point where it seems that their eyes are a colorless white. They're gray eyes give unsettling moods to people who look at them, but of course, it's not intentional.

    For the females, these Enonaties have one solid color of hair, ranging from light/dark shades of pink or just a simple lavender. The hair is usually wrapped into types of buns, and is never seen to not be in a type of bun by non-Enonaty eyes.

    Their attire consists of only simple, peasant dresses, which are sewn with fabric that have black, red, or both colors. Unlike the male Enonaties, they do not wear any sort of hat atop their head, and it is replaced by the females having their hair in buns, which are tied together with black, red, or both colored strands of fabric. The color scheme is preferably traditional for all Enonaties.

    Names (All)

    When it comes to names for Enonaties, their first and last names must have the beginning initial as the same letter. (E.G. - Betty Blosser, Charles Cephoyn) This way of naming is rather traditional, and it delves into Enonaty lore that has been extremely difficult to decipher, even by Enonaties themselves.

    If an Enonaty ever decides to change either their first or last name to a name with a different beginning initial, they must also change the opposing first/last name to the same beginning initial. (E.G. - Poppy Pinma to Eden Estin, Keith Krim to Samuel Smien)

    Personality (All)

    Any Enonaty ever has always been seen to have more of the "meek" traits. But, they aren't the only traits an Enonaty has.

    Enonaties are rather awkward folk in the public, as well as the fact that they aren't completely full of confidence, unless with fellow Enonaty folk. They are also soft-spoken to people outside of their own blood, and are usually given portrayals that often cause them to be shunners. Publicly, they also happen to be secretive about everything they attempt to keep hidden by other species. They are also majorly docile when it comes to other types of instruction/control that would lord over them in the public, which causes some issues that can endanger their kind.

    However, they may also be encouraging to themselves and others. An Enonaty is also caring and kind to others, for that is commonly a part of their nature. Because of this, Enonaties are preferably pacifists, and resolve disputes with diplomacy, too. They are also dreamers and preservers, for they struggle in a fight to rid of Idonism (which discriminates against Enonaties) on their kind. At times, an Enonaty can be dependable for others, because their hearts may tell them that someone needs it.

    Occupations (All)

    Due to their pacifist way, Enonaties aren't exactly in an occupation that involves usual activities of actually themselves attacking an opponent with something. Instead, the Enonaties are more of clerics, alchemists outside of battle, simple collectors, minor messengers, provision traders, and farmers.

    The female Enonaties are more likely to take on the cleric, alchemist, and collector occupations, while the male Enonaties are more likely to take on the messenger, provisions trader, and farmer occupations. But, it's not uncommon to see either gender do the less likely occupations.