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  • In a world of fantasy and magic rests Opal Academy. Of course the only reason Opal Academy was created was to give magic users, who are abused, captured, and saught after by the general public, a safe place to learn how to use their magic. The school was founded by Headmaster Espniar.

    There are five house

    The house of Magpies, users of talismanic magic

    The house of Ravens, users of invocative magic

    The house of Sparrows, users of sympathetic magic

    The house of Mockingbirds, users of illusionary/divinatory magic

    And The house of Bluebirds, users of Nature or elemental magic

    While students sleep with members of their same house they eat meals and have classes with people from all the houses

    upon entering the school for the first time, students are greeted by Headmaster Espniar where he tells them about the school then they go to his office where they pick one of five objects. Each object represents one of the five types of magic
  • A safe haven for anyone who uses magic