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About the Keep

  • BEHOLD....

    Have your feet found themselves walking the dirt path that leads into the open front clearing of the Silent Halls? If so you may have found yourself standing in a mostly open clearing with a tree rising in the center with a log at its roots. A lake laps at the shore while birds sing their songs from the trees that ring the clearing.

    Should you take one path or the other you may find yourself lost in the maze and able to explore the outer areas of the keep's grounds. The sprawling grounds encompass a stable yard and a lake shore accessible through the wandering maze that is the woods that surround the towering home in the center of it all. You could move towards the most direct path and find yourself heading straight towards the Keep with that drawbridge down and the vines creeping and crawling up the outer segments of the walls and towers.
  • What time is it?

    The Keep is 'lost to time'. It's grounds and the keep are essentially trapped in a pocket dimension that causes time to flow in a very strange and unusual pattern while walking around the grounds.

    What does this mean?

    This means that while you are on the grounds you can pause how far in time and how much time you spend at the keep. Your time at the keep is independent of your time outside of it. If you were traveling with your friends and family, wandered off and found your feet walking the paths towards the Keep*, it would not be unusual for you to find yourself walking back towards your family as though you had only been gone for moments. Think of it as how time passes in the famous Chronicles of Narnia where you can spend months or years in the dream and still return to your friends and family away from the grounds as though no time has passed at all. There's no simpler explanation than that.
  • Welcome One and Most...

    This is a very fantasy role-play location. As this is a Dream on Furcadia, located in on the southwestern portion of the Street Corner in the Imaginarium, we encourage folks to do as the game encourages on its login screen and "Let your imagination soar". We welcome people of all shapes, sizes, species, and gender. We also welcome anyone from any time period. We welcome you to bring your space adventurer from the year 4030 to come and visit our keep with our general appearance being fairly Medival. Do not let our antique look put you off. The strange magic that fluctuates around the keep adapts to one's needs. A resident once reported that when she had looked for a plugin for her phone charger, she hadn't found one the first time but the second time she checked the corner it was there. So please, bring your character and help us uncover more about the keep as it evolves and adapts and grows.

    That being said: we do not welcome those who come just to cause trouble in an out of character (OOC) manner. We do not tolerate bullies. We do not tolerate racist remarks made out of character. If you play a racist bastard who can't stand those damn Gazorpazorps stealing your jobs, then all for it. Do not, go on a tirade about Hispanics or Muslims and expect anyone to support you in your hate mongering. We do not accept people who come in and expect to rape and pillage all the npc's and visitors of the dream.
  • *

    The way people get to the keep changes based on the person. Some are brought there by friends. Others were running from a bad situation and found their feet suddenly treading along the various paths and hallways of the keep. Maybe you were wandering around looking for something needing a place to rest for the night and there in the darkness was the keep, its drawbridge down and the smoke rising in a welcoming manner from its kitchens.

    The lands are notorious for picking up people who are traveling and then returning them farther along their path than they had left it and closer towards their destination. How or why you are at the keep is up to you. Use your imagination and build your story.