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  • Setting

    (Before we begin, I have to give out a huge shoutout to KansasVenomoth for making the maps of the school using this site and for helping with ideas for the academy. Thanks so much, honey! <3

    Also, the idea of Acubens is based off of Hogwarts from Harry Potter, though it's mostly just in regards to there being houses each student is sorted into. The rest are my own ideas with a little help from KV as well.)



    Located in the country of Honimress, this academy was created by four adopted siblings, each being non-human, one shifter that could shift into a unicorn, one dragon, one phoenix and one fairy, and needing to master their skills. As their adoptive parents were humans, they had to utilize other resources to learn as they developed their powers. This had led them to making this academy for other children with this problem, naming each of the four houses after the type of shifter or non-human that they were. Children will start attending the academy at twelve years of age. They will stay with the academy for six years.

    The Houses

    Each house has its own dorms and classes for students to take, though there are also times where houses will be combined for a class, so as to encourage unity between the students. Once students are sorted, they will be able to choose a dorm and they will take specialized classes for their house. However, there are also general classes that students will take, regardless of their house.

    General Courses: Students will take some general math and history classes along with shifting and magic controlling classes. The magic controlling classes depends on what race they are as different races will have different magical abilities.

    Dragon: This house favors the more rebellious students, ones who have rather unique solutions when faced with problems. The house colors are purple and gold. Students sorted into this house will take defensive and offensive combat courses over their years at the school.

    Phoenix: This house favors artistic students who love hands-on solutions to problems. The house colors are orange and yellow. Students sorted into this house are able to take a variety of artistic courses such as theatre, writing, dance, choir, band, and orchestra throughout their years. However, if they so wish, they are able to focus on one or more courses.

    Fairy: This house favors the tricksters, ones who are able to think on their feet and come up with quick solutions when faced with a problem. The house colors are light green and light blue. Students sorted into this house will take a variety of hunting and survival courses during their years at the school.

    Unicorn: This house favors the dreamers, students who prefer to think long and hard about solutions to problems. The house colors are white and pink. Students sorted into this house will take a variety of scientific courses during their years at the academy.

    The Sorting

    New students will be led to the orientation hall and will be given a sort of test to decide on what house they will go into. The test only consists of just four questions (the questions that you answer when signing up for the group are the questions asked on the test and I will pm you which house the character is ahead of time) and there are no wrong answers. After students turn in their answers, the heads of houses will deliberate and determine which house each student would be best suited for.

    They will then call the students up one by one and call out which house they have been sorted into. If the heads determined that the student is suited for more than one house, the student may choose which house they would like to go into. However, if the student is unhappy with the house they are sorted into, they may make an appeal for a different house, giving reasons why they think they are more suited for that house. Though, whether that appeal will go through is up to the house heads.

    Inside the Academy

    First Floor/Basement:


    Second Floor/Entrance:


    Top Floor:
