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  • The Mass Effect Universe is a complicated, diverse and dynamic place, so understandably it is important to understand and read up on the lore of this great game. Additionally, there are normal procedures one must understand before joining this group.

    1) No Godmodding -- Considering the weapons, combat, and amount of info that is thrown at you in this universe it can be very easy to give your character advantages. Please try your hardest to avoid manipulating other characters through rp posts, bionics, and combat as best as you can.

    2) No Slander -- Abusing your fellow ME members with insults, or any verbal abuse is against the rules of this group. The universe is already a tough place to live in, so lets try and be a little more Paragon and a little less Renagade about our choice inactions or words.

    3) Be Scholarly -- Please remember to spellcheck and punctuate your rp posts. Posting in all capitals is allowed, but if it becomes excessive than you might recieve a warning about it. Additionally, please remember the spelling of any vitally important ME items or places.

    4) Have Fun! -- ME is one of the greatest Sci-Fi interactive games out there, and so it's very important you have fun in your adventures across space. If someone is effecting your rp experience, please let one if the moderators know.