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Is that...a horse with two rear ends?

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Posted by PK-Lucas April 25th 2023, 11:32pm
After a few lizards were killed, Cassandra and Varian took a rest by a tree.

"Alright so, I've managed to defeat 3 lizards around this area, and then 1 lizard towards the beginning hill." Cassandra wrote down in the journal Rapunzel gave her. Varian was climbing the tree, or attempting to, trying to gather more materials and supplies. "This place is full of amazing things to grab!"

"Yeah, it's definitely different than Corona's choice of foraging." Cassandra replied, putting the journal down and grabbed her sword and a cloth. She wiped the sword down, cleaning it.

Varian sat down on a tree limb and was about to grab a weird flower he saw on a tree, when he noticed something..odd. "Uh, Cassie." He pointed to it. Cassandra raised her head and looked.

They both look really confused.
"Is that...a horse with two rear ends?" Cassandra said, almost disgusted.
Varian looked a bit scared, "This..isn't scientifically possible?!"

"Wait, I think I read about this before we left." Cassandra grabbed Varian's bag and dug through it. "He-Hey don't dig through my-" Varian stuttered before losing his balance and falling out the tree, into the grass.

Varian snatched his bag, just as Cassandra got the book. He held it to his chest, his face flushed with red. If Cassandra found his golden heart locket, he'd be so embarrassed. It had a picture of her in it.

He got Xavier, the blacksmith in Corona, to forge it for him.

"The majestic Doubutt." Cassandra flipped through the pages until she found the one, then pointed at the title of it. "The magical horse that runs through the lands of Epicness. It is known for its' two rear-ends and no head. We're not sure how it eats either." Cassandra read it out loud.

Varian whispered to himself, "This isn't scientifically possible-"

The Doubutt suddenly ran off, leaving the two confused, even with the entry in the book they were researching. Perhaps they'd never know the secret of how Doubutt eats...

Or the science behind it.
