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Hi y'all! I think we should talk a bit about starting the rp. Any ideas?
Shouldn't we decide our band name first? xD
That's probably a good idea lol
What kind of band shall we be? Rock, country, pop, etc?
I'll cast my vote for.. anything other than country. My preference would be rock, alternative or pop rock but I'm not picky.
I like the sound of alt rock!
My bad y'all, I was pretty busy these past few days, but I definitely love the idea of alt rock! So we're going with that then?
Sounds good to me!!

Now we need a name for our band.

Maybe we could find something we all have in common, and go from there?
Hmm, alright. That might be a lot more difficult though lol. Just gonna list some themes and you guys can tell me if any of these pique your interests.


These are my top three that I think could be a good base for a name, but I would love to hear any other ideas. The top two are something I like but the last is just something I see a lot in music.
From an OOC standpoint I love the idea of a Pagan theme but I don't think it'd fit my character. Not big on the sensual idea XD
Daydreaming is neat :)
All the ideas coming to my head are high-energy whimsical type words like confetti, electric, burst, jubilation, cherry, lightning, etc... XD
I also have a big pile of band names, all originally jokes but some are totally useable. My favourite being Bubblegum Fireworks
I like the idea of daydreaming being a key aspect.

But I'd love to hear more of your band names, Izumi!
Yeah, me too. We're looking for good band names so just dish out any you think are good we're not picky lol
I mean, sure, I can list 'em, but I don't think any of them will be... what we're looking for? XD They all came from my friend group making the "haha, that's what I'm naming my new indie band" joke, so... They're all absurd and would only work for a specific band of very chaotic musicians, haha
We've got: Negative B, Culinary Carnage, Snail Violence, Ketchup Situation, Cryptid Cookies, Luck and Vibes, Multiple Sheep, and Existing Out of Snuggling Range.
So... yeah.
Might I also add : Imagination Waterfall
Works with the daydreaming aspect
I think being a chaotic band would be very fun. I actually like some of these. Imagination Waterfall, Negative B, Luck and Vibes, and Multiple Sheep are pretty good. But we can always take one of these and change a word around a bit if you think they aren't good.

Or of course we can come up with an entirely new one. I'm cool with anything, I'll follow you guys on whatever you decide to do.
I do really enjoy the chaotic band names, and chaotic bands in general XD I just figured no-one else would. Negative B sounds cool, Luck and Vibes is fun, Multiple Sheep is silly (in a good way) and Imagination Waterfall conjures up a very aesthetically pleasing mental image for me.
I like Negative B and Imagination Waterfall!
Okay so then we've narrowed it down to two? Since we all agree that Negative B and Imagination Waterfall are good options? Now unless we add more to the mix I think we should choose from these two.

Personally I think Imagination Waterfall is really good if we're going for a daydreaming theme for a band that's goofy, but Negative B is still really good. What do you guys think?
The fact that I can't even remember where Negative B came from, aside from it being something someone in my friend group said- I wish I could remember the context haha
But really, I think the decision might depend on what kind of image we want the band to give off? Like Imagination Waterfall sounds a bit softer, more peaceful and whimsical, while Negative B is more... moody? Like a bit more in the grunge area. At least, those are the vibes I get. And I don't think either one is inherently better or worse, it just depends on what everyone prefers.
If we're feelin' real indecisive, Imagination B combines the two names and IMO the two vibes, while also sounding cool too.
FWIW though from an IC standpoint Izumi would be team Imagination Waterfall all the way, and it probably would make sense to think of what the characters would want as well as what we like OOC
True! I like Negative B, but Oriana would prefer something more middle ground-ish. Moody and soft. Like more alt rock she's listened to.
Hello guysssss!!! I am so sorry for my very late reply and I will go for anything for the name band~~~ at least I want to be the vocalist! can I??

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