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  • Disclaimer

    A word of caution to those easily triggered by violence, horrific scenes of gore and graphic themes -- this group may not be suited to you. All that pass through here must be 18 or older. Period. Violators will be reported and blocked. This is your one and only warning on the subject. This group is not for the faint of heart. Consider yourself warned folks.
  • The City

    Some say you're lucky if you've only ever seen the walls. A quarter mile high and somewhere close to 100 feet in width, they circle the mega-city, keeping all those who are not meant to be inside out. Fitted with a nano-mesh dome over top the entire city, they control everything about their environment, granting nothing less than a 'beautiful life' for those within. The dome itself is nearly unseen by the naked eye, but if you stare long enough, you might be able to trick your eyes into seeing it. Maybe? No? Not really, it's just a childish rumor and nothing more that the citizens love to joke about. There is only a single gate that permits entry into the city. It is made of reinforced steel, but there is another alloy mixed in that fortifies it even further. This alloy is known only to the small group of scientists who discovered it and it's various uses.

    The gate to the city is nothing less than a military checkpoint. Large, sliding vault like doors, fitted to withstand the harshest of blasts or impacts. The metal of these doors a dull, but smooth grey color. Almost welcoming, yet also a statement of their durability. Passing the threshold of the gate, a person will go through various checkpoints before even entering the city. These checkpoints include things like in-depth health screenings, rigorous background checks, and the like. It does not matter who goes through and when. Everyone passes through the checkpoints, and to those that fail at any of them are either turned away or taken into custody.

    Inside the dome is like looking at a perfect utopia. Advanced holographic screens that aren't limited to physical frames, vehicles of various shapes and sizes fly leisurely past. The many buildings and skyscrapers have windows to let in an abundance of light from the outside. People are polite, helpful, and even courteous. There is next to no crime here in the city. Anyone caught and found guilty are pushed out of the gates without anything more than the clothes on their backs. If they're lucky, that is. The rules here are strict and bend for no one. Not even the public officials. But other than this... There is plenty of opportunity to seize. Since currency no longer exists within the city, people use a point system instead. Which, in hind sight, eliminated the entire social structure.

    There are many places to work. From simply taking care of a small shop, to advanced agriculture, to cybernetic advancement and development, and anything ranging from medical to recreational. The point is, there are sights to see and places to socialize and work at. Anyone that isn't healthy is taken care of by medical professionals who aim to improve that. In doing this, people within the city have been living longer and longer. Even paradise has a price, however...
  • Outside the Walls

    Outside the city's illustrious walls are the badlands. Ravaged by war, hunger, and a deadly virus that mutates every so often. The rural areas provide little to no shelter. Those that do find it normally don't keep it for long, and those that do are lucky. The very air is sickening with the stench of rotting flesh as bodies of the dead. Diseased-riddled corpses are best to steer clear of unless you've a death wish. The land here has been in poor shape ever since the pandemic about ten years prior. There's trash strewn about, old vehicles torn apart for usable scraps, and dirty drinking water in stagnant patches.

    Those that are infected show no early symptoms. A victim could go from feeling fine for weeks, only to be bleeding from every orifice the next. Some go without symptoms at all before keeling over where they stand. During the early stages the virus can spread from something such as a used needle, to something as simple as being sneezed on. It's deadly and passed through fluids. Especially through blood. The symptoms, though not immediate, continue to change or mutate. Some strains have begun to last longer in the victim than others. Longer lasting strains have the devastating potential to infect a lot more people as a result. If you're alive, then thank your lucky stars and stay cautious.

    The virus isn't the only danger that supernaturals and humans face, however. Every night there are armed trucks with soldiers in bio-hazard suits. Armed with deadly weapons, medical scanners, cybernetic devices of various types, and some basic supplies; they aim to lure anyone out of hiding. You have to be pretty damn desperate to want those few bits of life-saving supplies to risk going near them. For humans that haven't a trace of supernatural spark in them, they have nothing to fear. They are more often than not forced away, or shot on sight for not heeding the soldier's orders to vacate an area. Even other humans can be total dicks too. That much hasn't changed one bit despite the pandemic.

    Buildings that still stand are in a state of total ruin. The elements are not known for being gentle, and never will be. Food is scarce, and you're lucky if someone else doesn't try to kill you for it. With so little of anything and the poor living conditions, it's a wonder anyone survives. But life always manages to find a way. Struggling on despite the odds stacked up against them. Some lose their will to live altogether, but for those that don't, they push on and keep going for as long as possible. Humans are not the only ones living in these conditions. There are those blessed with supernatural gifts. And if you look carefully, or pay attention, you may find that not every supernatural is of the very planet on which you stand.