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  • An adventurous dive into the legendary death-trap dungeon, but without so many dice rolls.
  • Setting

    It is said that within this low, flat-topped hill lies the tomb of the legendarily powerful and vile lich, Acererak, a traveler of realms, collector of deadly magics, and master of machinations of almost incomprehensible scale. As his lichdom carried on, he is said to have chosen this place as the silent seat of his power.

    One side of the hill features a sharp drop off, a sheer rock face with three entrances which, together and in tandem with the colouration of the rock face, resemble the upper half of a massive skull, with the tunnels in forming the eyes and upper part of the nasal opening. A small, bleak town of fanatical necromancers, their undead servants, and others who worship the lich, has been founded in front of the hill. A wide, paved road leads from the town's macabre gate, adorned with spikes, bones, and banners featuring an icon of a green devilish face with a gaping mouth to the hillside, splitting evenly toward each entrance. The denizens of the town don't interfere with adventurers looking to plunder the tomb and destroy the lich, in fact they encourage them to enter its depths and join the thousands who have already lost their lives to the dark master within.