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Forums » Aavos Codex » -- Balancing Powers --

Prologue narrated in First-Person regarding the plot taking place since 11/3/2014 until _________

In the morning of that unforgettable day in Aavos, it happened. The day began like any other normal day for Istanhopu. He woke when his bird announced the time like he always does. He did his exercise which consists of running up and down a tree trunk in his house. That is part of what makes Aavos beautiful. You can have a tree in your house, which can give you fruits in their season and you can use the trunks for morning exercise.

After having his bath, he went for a walk with his pet, the little dragon he got as birthday present. He remembered that day, when the old man that lives in the south of Aavos brought that gift. Before him, others were giving him all sorts of gadget as gifts. That’s why he was so excited when the old man, Mr. Astrum or Astrul , he can’t quite pronounce his name, brought the little dragon as a birthday gift.

He told Istanhopu that will come back later to tell him how to train his dragon. He fulfilled his promise one week later. That was the day he told Istanhopu about the coming attacks. Istanhopu was just staring blankly at him because he could not understand why anyone or anything could ever think of attacking this beautiful planet. He posed the question to the old man and he answered that he need not concern himself with that. He should only concentrate on training his dragon so they will be ready to withstand the attacks and protect the planet.

Istanhopu said
“Oh don’t worry, Mr. Astrulm”, finally getting his name “if ever there is any attack my brother and his friends will save us”.
Mr. Astrulm looked at him and shook his head, because he does not comprehend the extent of the attack or the tenacity of the destroyers Oh well, he‘s still young, he reasoned. He will learn. The outcasts want to turn everything green. They don’t mind whose lives will be destroyed. They believe every freaking damn thing should be green. No yellow flowers, no black chair, no brown doors, no other color but green.

Well, the anticipated day arrived sooner than expected. The terrorist struck and attacked on a day no one expected, not even old nice Mr. Astrulm could see it. Even though our unique base has been able to hold off many of the attacks from the outcasts, and ultimately becoming one of the few secure zones to transit the Aavos energy out of the planet, we don’t know if it will withstand this terrorist attack.

As Istanhopu was walking toward the stores , he heard a loud sound and turned just in time to see a ray of light hit one of the stores. He ran to one side of building and from there he observes that people were running about and screaming. Some were shouting and crying for help. He looked back where the light came from and noticed that little green creatures were coming out from a large ship that landed on top of a building. They were going in the direction of the generator house.

He was scared and he ran home as fast as he can. But he need not fear as the Aavocarian military in which Istanhopu’s brother is a captain has already mobilized. The terrorists spread out into two. One group moved towards the generator room and the other moved towards the hallway. Istanhopus reached home and saw that part of the residential areas has been destroyed by fire coming from the blast of the invaders. He feared for his parent’s safety but then he remembered that they were not at home when he left.

They have gone to the place where deals are closed and stomachs are fulfilled. The place where there are plenty of food variety in the menu to choose from. So he decided to go there and meet him. Emergency blast was sounding everywhere. People were being called to the get into the inner most part of the base where they will be safe. The Aavocarian military were fighting the intruders well. Istanhopu’s brother is the one in charge of defending the generator house. This is an important part of the Aavos base because this is where the substance used to make the weapons and other life utilities in Aavos is found. This is done by converting the Aavos energy into pure energy. It is possible to do almost anything with this converted energy. In this room, stone is melted into magma in order to create many and various materials for The Home Base to operate.
They were doing well, holding off the invaders when more of them poured in from their ship. They had to call for back up, which swiftly arrived and helped quench the attack. When the last of the green creatures died, a shout of hooray was heard followed a boom sound from afar. Everyone was startled. It turns out they were celebrating too early. Just then, the captain received a call from his little brother. He told him that he saw those greens around the hallway but they are appearing to go toward the main access room.

The captain informed his men that terrorists are going into the control room and they moved immediately to go and defend their base. This is the place where scouting teams gather before going into the wilderness. They decided to enter the base from the tail end of the hallway. They were half way in when they came face to face with the terrorist and they immediately opened fire. Istanhopu was outside and he heard the fierce fighting going on inside. After a while, there was calm. He waited a bit and then he saw the Aavocarian military men coming out into the street with a smile of victory and he knew they had won.
As he was going to the restaurant to check for his parents he saw that his favorite place, the lobby is no more. It used to be spacious and has plenty of chairs for everyone to sit but it was totally destroyed in the attack. Later that evening they heard a loud voice announcing the introduction of martial law in the home base. This will ensure that everyone will be ready and capable of fighting in case another invasion happens.

In their corner of the safe place where they gathered that evening, since their house was lost in the attack, Istanhopu asked his brother whether there will another attack from the greenies, and he said no. but Mr. Astrulm, who was sitting beside the dragon and was stoking his head , said yes, they will be back.
Updates on character and user activities will be posted here. Make a difference and your name will appear here!

Archer (played by AshAngg2000 )
After being hired by the nobles, Archer carried out a sabotage mission in The Home Base's Generator room with the intent to strike the Aavos Security from the inside. . .

*The device has been retrieved without killing the messenger
--Archer managed to locate the mole (spy) within the securities forces and convince him to hand the device.

*The device has been installed (and hidden)
--The device was successfully placed in the control panel and it is ready to be activated when the time comes...

*Archer was spotted -- patrols will keep an eye out for him
--Security has placed a high bounty over saboteur's head. ((For player to try and take it))
*Archer failed to notice/Rescue the VIP
--A VIP was executed in the room.
*Generator Room is still crawling with AAvos Security and Militia
--If anyone ventures into The Generator Room, they're bound to find -a lot- of trouble.

Moderators: Max Wicked (played by Maxthewicked100) Leinad Obtrebla (played by LeinadObtrebla)