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This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.

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  • About

    Esoteric is a guild of assassins and thieves that has been functioning in the shadows of society for many years. The guild is highly regarded as having the best of the best in their line of work despite the fact that very few could tell you where they were based out of or how to find them. Though the group seemed to be on hiatus for a few years, their name has once again started to be whispered in the dark alleyways of the underground.

    This RP group is focused more on the daily life and interactions of the members of the guild, most of which are required to live and work together. While RPing out the missions they go on is never discouraged, our RP may be more on the interpersonal aspect of being a criminal for a living.

    This group uses a freeform, casual posting style with no real strict mechanics. There is a semi-consent rule in effect most of time, but dice rolls are used for big actions, combat, and some decision making. But generally, this a very lax group here just for the fun of RP!
  • Settings & World

    Esoteric is played in a low tech, fantasy world that isn't really set in any particular time or in any particular world. Magic is one of the few set things about the universe, as it is commonplace and widely used.

    Technology is about as far along as the technology of the 15th century. There is some canons in wealthier cities but no guns or small arms. Swords are bows are still the main variety of weapons used in the majority of the world.

    There is only a loosely set world. The would itself goes by the name of Gaia. There is some grander, more used locations have set, but very basic, descriptions. These places are left somewhat open in order to make it easier to find a place for your character and leave room for the players to shape the world around them.
  • Interested in Esoteric?

    Great! Esoteric is always accepting new members to out little group! If you're interested in RPing with us, all you have to do is fill out an application. There's just a few things to keep in mind before applying, though.

    There's no post line limits or posting time frame. Posting may not be a daily thing. Some RPs may take a good long while to complete because of real life sucking up free time.

    Not all characters will be accepted. If we feel a character doesn't quite fit in, we'll have to reject the application. All character profiles will be at least peeked at to make sure they fit within the character guidelines so please make sure you have a complete profiles that details your characters skills, personality, and stats. For example, a dark mage who studies curses and death spells would be accepted no problem but a gunslinger who travels around fixing steam engines would have to be rejected because the level of technology they deal with breaks continuity. There could be other reasons a character is rejected but it's all on a character to character basis.

    We don't require a character to be solely dedicated to this RP. As long as your character fits into the world, we don't care if we're one of a hundred groups you RP in. So don't be shy, apply!
  • Join Esoteric!

    Want to play with us? Esoteric is always taking applications for new and exciting characters with an interest in living the less-than-legal lifestyle!

    Join Now