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I love trad goth girls



I listen to ayesha erotica, strawberry switchblade, scary b**tches ((idk if I can put swears on my profile)), tally ball, Tim carry and uh a load others


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Rave Reviews

Fourth Kudos?? Yes, and I'm not ashamed.

Blossom has been my best friend since 2022, November. We have gone through so many awesome plots and RPs, even if some aren't finished and we kind of both get tired of them. XD

They are good at art, writing, character creating..

Blossom actually introduced me to a fandom or two, and I've done the same in-return.

They are the best.
Hence why they are my best friend! :D Wonderful writer Long-term partner - PK-Lucas
You really thought I'd let Blossom go without another kudo for this RPR event? You don't know me very well.

Blossom is the best, best friend, I could have. We've had so many amazing RPs, fandom and non-fandom, together and have even doodled together on Magma.

Though we don't get to talk much lately due to Blossom's busy life, I still really enjoy reading all our previous RPs, looking at all the creative characters we've made, how many times we've made each other laugh. :) Wonderful writer Long-term partner - PK-Lucas

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