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Decollates's Characters

Decollates either hasn't made any characters yet, or all of their characters are anonymous.

Rave Reviews

All that must be said on this hatching day is that this birb is the greatest birb ever. He has a very squishy face and also very soft plumage. Oh, and he's a good writer, too. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BIRB HYPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ - Lizard
The man with the most absurd, abstract sense of humour I have ever met; it's hard to think that I've spent so much of my online life hanging out with you in some form or another. Not only is NR intelligent, witty and honest, he has such an amazing sense of cultural understanding and fantastic writing capabilities. Reading a roleplay post from him is simply a pleasure. Great sense of humor Creative ideas - Taciturn

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