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I'm a pretty easy going person. I do this for fun, and to help me flesh out characters for my novels. That being said, I am not a fan of Meta-gaming or power-gaming, and I generally prefer my character to keep her limbs attached, thank you!
I prefer para-rp, and at least an effort towards decent spelling and grammar. I'm not a jerk about it, but if the errors are distracting from the story, I will leave the RP. I understand a few here and there, but under no circumstances will I play with anyone who types L1k3 7h15 during a game. OOC, as a joke, I suppose it might be funny.

Separation of Players and Characters: I feel like this should be in a role-players constitution somewhere, and it probably is.
I am not my character(s). If you have a problem with the way I have described an action, or feel as though I have phrased something in such a way that does not work, please let me know. But, if our characters are having a disagreement, please don't assume that I share my characters' views on the subject, just as I won't assume you share yours.

I've had a love/hate relationship with Furc for over a decade now. Here are some characters I've played in the past, and might play again in the future if someone is interested in pursuing a story with them. These are the ones that I can remember. I probably had others and just don't remember them.

Vicialla Menach : Current - RPR in progress
Tegani Hota : Current - new - RPR in progress
F Cucker : Current - No RPR necessary yet

Wraeth D'Arshen - Probably retired. Can't really think of anymore ways to resurrect him from the dead without starting from scratch.
Prevaricator - Possibly making a comeback? We'll see
Katyalyst (list? I can't remember how I spelled it now...)
Phalanx XIII - Probably retired.
Shaea Caecus - Has potential to come back
Ichi Mika - Probably retired...He's a little excessive.
Lillith Angelus - Has potential to come back with modifications
Atara Darkston - Feral, probably retired.
Chibi Yuri - Retired.
Sweet Aphrodisia - Retired.

Other than the two characters that are specifically retired, I might be willing to resurrect old characters if there is a good enough story involved for them. The two listed as retired are that way because, frankly, I outgrew the characters, and their stories became a little ridiculous.

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend GabrielTilson!

Did you remember to explain why your friend is awesome?

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