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Hello there! My name is Hara. I'm pretty new to roleplaying, but not new to writing. I've always loved creative writing and it's something I do often. I'm pansexual,
use she/her pronouns, and am currently taken by my boyfriend, Luca! He's not on this website since he's not into roleplaying.

My timezone is CST.. I don't know the exact abbreviation, but I live in the States!

Something you should know about me is that I have severe depression and anxiety. I'm currently seeking treatment for those things, but they are not fully better nor will they ever be. I also have pretty bad ADHD.

My profile picture is not me! If you roleplay with me, you may notice I put little pictures at the end of my replies.
Those are what I call my character's mascots.
Steph's mascot is Lee Ji Eun, Gemma's mascot is Jung So Jung, and Janet's mascot is Heo Ga Yoon.
My mascot is Jennie Kim!
If you need help with drama, a situation off of RPR, or dealing with problems and feelings, feel free to reach out to me!

I am always willing to help people with things and just listen to them if they need to rant or vent.

I've had to deal with my share of drama and mental illness in my life, so I've learned some extremely helpful strategies that I'd love to share with you if you need help!
As you know, I have ADHD! I was diagnosed in first grade and my parents really never followed through with further treatment besides putting me on a strong medicine a first grader probably shouldn't have taken.

Only recently, I sought further treatment and a deeper look into my ADHD. I specifically have inattentive ADHD. This type is the statistically the most common for girls, but there are some other cases of girls having the hyperactive type of ADHD.

Girls are frequently under diagnosed with their ADHD, while boys tend to be over diagnosed.

I have compiled a list of things you should note before talking to people with ADHD.
Please note that these are only from my experiences. ADHD affects people differently, but these are still good things to note.
  • Do not treat us like children! If someone is a teenager/young adult with ADHD, you should treat them the same as everyone else. ADHD only effects attention, not how smart someone is.
  • Snowballing off the last one, ADHD does not make someone less smart than anyone else. All my life, I've been in lower classes but only due to the slower pace. I've gotten some of the highest test scores among other kids who don't have ADHD.
  • If someone has a 504 plan/IEP they are not cheating. 504s and IEPs are not for just people who have ADHD, but for everyone. If you do not know what a 504 or IEP is, it's pretty much a legal requirement of teachers to give students certain accommodations. This is to help the student succeed, not help them to cheat. An example of my accommodations are extended time, preferred seating (meaning I can sit where I desire and think I will best learn), and allowance of a toy to fidget with (meaning I can bring in silly putty or a fidget cube to play with due to the fact without one, I will bounce my legs or become restless which will disrupt other students.)
  • Not all of us are hyperactive. I have inattentive ADHD which consists of nine main symptoms: missing details and becoming distracted, trouble focusing on the task at hand, becoming bored quickly, difficulty learning or organizing new information, trouble completing work or losing items needed to stay on task, becoming confused easily or daydreaming frequently, seeming to not listen when spoken to directly, difficulty following instructions, processing information slowly or with more mistakes than peers.
  • ADHD is an actual disability. If you or your child is diagnosed with ADHD, they are eligible to apply for disability benefits under the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) act. This only applies to the United States.
  • We are very creative people. I know that there don't seem like a lot of benefits to ADHD, but one of the benefits is that the disorder allows our mind and imaginations to explore places people who don't have ADHD's minds have never been.
  • There are a surprising amount of benefits to ADHD. We tend to hyperfocus on something (for me writing and roleplaying). When I hyperfocus, I roleplay or write nonstop until I've done as much as my heart desires. I'll spend hours on end typing away, not even noticing what's happening around me. People with ADHD are extremely resilient, you can't stop them if they don't want to be stopped. We tend to be extremely funny and generous people.
In the end, ADHD tends to be given more of a negative reputation, when in reality, it's not all too bad. Please keep these things in mind when talking to me and others with ADHD!


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