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I'm a avid roleplayer and gamer.

I enjoy RP that makes sense but can still be funny.

I try my best, and I hope thats good enough.

I also am a big anime fan and I like good video games.

My characters are as weird as me and they have a grey area to their morality, I love Redemption arcs and romance between characters I make.

I like Skull Girls, Monika form DDLC, Dungeon maker the card game, and some other stuff.
also I like Wedding Fashion so theres that.

My Favorite pairing is Thin Man x Lady from Little Nightmares.

I have a fascination with dreams and nightmares. and I mainly think that we can control our dreams and nightmares. send me a PM if you'd like to add on to this belief.

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend The-Dark-Truth!

Did you remember to explain why your friend is awesome?

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