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❖ Call me Min, Bronzewing or UCB. I was known as velvetnlace for many years, but with life's changes, it was time for something new.

❖ I'm an old bag (30-something). Please be at least 18+, ideally 21+.

❖ I'm shy about approaching people. Please feel free to drop me a line if you want to kick something off, or even just to say hi! My humor's on the dry side, but I don't bite.

❖ That said, I don't respond at all to random snugs, licks, ":paws at" and other touchy stuff. It's creepy. Don't be creepy.

❖ I'm on Pacific time, but work demands that I be nocturnal. Bear with me.

UCBronzewing's Characters

UCBronzewing either hasn't made any characters yet, or all of their characters are anonymous.

Rave Reviews

[continued from before] I would be half the person I am today without her support and love. While she's not always the most outgoing I always cherish when I can convince her to bring out her brain baby into mayhem,chaos, or even just simple storytelling. She has a unique knack of roleplay that has made her a cherish gem to me for so long. I have always loved how she incorproate consequences and actions with her charcaters rp. The way she bring to live Stasia. Heck even the physical talent [cont] - TheCoffeeWolf
There are too few truly exceptional people in the world, always a pleasure to have the chance to not only meet, but to accompany one. - Grimfell

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