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Huh, what do I put in a bio about myself?? I'm kinda uninteresting really, but I suppose I'll give it a shot.

I'm moth, I arrived here in December 2021, I'm an artist, gamer, gun nut, weeb, and science nerd. I know way more trivia than I probably should (just one of the "perks" of being raised by a nurse I suppose) and have a special love of sci-fi and fantasy (Real life is just boring).

As for hobbies, I enjoy Magic the Gathering, I used to play Warhammer 40k (still love the lore) and play videogames or draw most of the time during my free time. I mostly did ERPs before, but I'm alright with other types of rps as well.

Is that good? Eh, I hope so. Let me know if there's something I need to change.


FYI: I STREAM!!! It's not against the rules to advertise that, right? moth258 on Twitch! :D

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