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Kudos for Draken901

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • This one is a brilliant well of inspiration. It's always lovely and insightful to read over his new worldbuilding ideas and projects. The advice he gives out is also a boon for those looking to tweak their settings a bit. I really appreciate talking and brainstorming with him whenever time allows us to talk! - Lucretire

  • Have you roleplayed with this guy? His topic is amazing and detailed with endless ideas. I can go on and on. He's great at narrating the stories we play out in World of Sahara (however you spell it) and flawless and endless in ideas. Roleplaying with this guy is always a treat and I always wait in anticipation for his replies. - SmewQueen

  • Firstly, Draken is a patient thing, which is well appreciated for someone who gets really busy. I don't know how many times life has swept me away and he's always ready to continue our RP from where we last left off! Secondly, his character is nicely made while his RP skills are precise yet gives just enough for you to fill in the blanks with your own imagination. Of course his worldbuilding skills are pretty epic too; you'll love having RP adventures in the world of Sairia! - Lucretire

  • Draken is basically an unending well of ideas, and has the drive to put them into motion. He often takes it upon himself to play the role of the dungeon master, a role often under appreciated, though it shouldn't be! He's a strong writer with a dry wit. - Ilmarinen

  • Creative in his approach to most situations, as well as the build of his characters - Draken901 has been an interesting addition to my group, and is certainly recommended for spicing things up a bit! - Gutebnurg456