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This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.

  • This is a den located in victorian era London, England. Please alter your characters (just for this group) to reflect that.

    While this is still an all-ages group, please be aware that this group relies heavily on the theme of a drug commonly used in the victorian era called Opium.

    We don't accept godmod/metagaming/OP characters here.

    Please do not do the following in this group:
    - NSFW Content
    - Triggering Material
    - F-Word or Swear Spamming
    - Spamming in-general
    - Any drug other than Opium
    - Under 18 Characters smoking
    - Employees not hired by the Founder (PM for Details)

    This is a free-for-all, Trixie's Bar like forum.
  • gl-1476486-1678865262.jpg