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  • Beasts

    Bears-Bears are generally found far from human habitation, either in the high mountains or in the deep woods. Opposite of dogs and wolves, bears are solitary creatures, which is probably for the best considering how strong a killing machine they are. It is simple enough a thing to avoid fighting a bear, but that is not always the case. A bear may be clumsy but they run at high speeds despite their bulky sizes, so running away may not always be an option, especially if you have already angered the bear.

    Dog-Some claims dogs are reflections of their masters. A well-treated pet repays his owner with loyalty and trust, whereas an ill-treated one repays this treatment in kind as well, meeting yells with barks and kicks with bites. Since bad men are abundant, so, too, is there an abundance of bad dogs. Most dangerous of all is the vagrant mutts who have lost all respect for men and developed a taste for blood and carrion.
    Dogs usually attack in packs, choosing isolated victims, especially ones in whom they sense some kind of weakness. Packs of rabid dogs usually only dare attack children, drunkards, the elderly and cripples. Yet when backed into a corner, they will defend themselves with frothing bites and sharp claws against all and sundry.

    Wolf-Wolves can be found throughout the mainland and on the Skellige Isles. They also appear during contracts or in quests, serving as the allies of leshens and werewolves. Several Skelligers also keep tamed wolves as pets, alongside more conventional dogs.
  • Cursed Ones

    WereBear-Skellige legends speak of men known as berserkers who transform into bears when overwhelmed by battle rage. In doing so, they lose all self-awareness and are driven by a bloodlust which they must satiate to return to human form. Few believe these blood-curdling tales, however, not even in Skellige, where the inhabitants usually treat even the least probable legends with the utmost gravity. This indicates either that berserker are mere figments of mead-sodden imaginations, or else that they have learned to hide their abilities from the rest of the islanders.

    Bocthling-Botchling is a small creature, resembling a highly deformed fetus - created from the improper burial of unwanted, stillborn infants - that preys on pregnant women. While hiding beneath beds, botchlings sap the expectant mother of strength and once she is completely defenseless it will latch on and directly feed off the blood, killing both her and the unborn child.

    Ulfhedinn-Like werewolves, ulfhedinn, and vorefs are active at night, particularly when the moon is at its fullest. Fast, strong, and amazingly resilient, these creatures kill with disturbing ease. Silver blades should be brought against them, as should Devil's Puffball. Take note that when near death the ulfhedinn becomes particularly dangerous and will attack with doubled fury while calling on wolves to come to its rescue.

    Werewolf-Werewolves are creatures of the night and they are especially active during the full moon. They usually go hunting alone, as there rarely is an opponent that can match their strength, agility and fast health regeneration. If a Werewolf actually encounters an enemy that has equivalent strength and can fight a fair fight, the creature can call for wolven reinforcements that will come to its aid. A good way of dealing with werewolves is a sword covered with oil to combat cursed creatures, or a Silver Bomb that will temporarily block the creature's regenerative

    Plagued Knights: A knight warrior who was turned with the help of a Necromancer into a brainless monster, with only murder on it's mind
  • Orcs & Goblins / Greenskins

    The Greenskins: Greenskins is a common collective description for the forces of the Orcs and Goblins and other biologically related races. The broadest division is between the Orcs, who are strong, brutish, and savage warriors, and the Goblins, who are smaller and weaker, but cunning and full of guile.

    Common Orc: Common Orcs are the majority. They know how to forge crude but efficient weapons of iron and steel and mail armor.

    Savage Orc: Savage Orcs tend to live either in deep forests or in the jungles. They look down upon the use of armor and use mostly weapons made of rock, wood, and bone. They firmly believe in their magical tattoos which, indeed, protect them somewhat. Other Orcs find this quite intriguing.

    Black Orcs: Black Orcs are quite rare in the world. Black Orcs are larger, stronger, and much better fighters than average Orcs. Also, unlike other types of Orcs, Black Orcs demonstrate excellent battlefield discipline, making them very dangerous foes indeed. Ambitious
    Black Orcs may become leaders of tribes composed of all three types.

    Orc Big 'Un: A Big 'Un is a name used to describe the largest Greenskin warriors within a tribe, acting as both the enforcers and as a dedicated retinue of tough-to-kill warriors under a Warbosses rule. A Greenskin's natural goal in life is to constantly fight and grow bigger within his society, which usually attributes to an increase in both personal status and wealth. Eventually, these Greenskins would only be able to reach a certain size before their growth begins to slow dramatically. These changes are usually contributed when a Greenskins finds an opponent that is both larger and stronger than even he is. These Greenskins are usually called Big 'Uns for the Orcs, and Little Big 'Uns for the Goblins, whom have all grown to such a size that they tower over the rest of their tribe and are decked-out with some of the best armor and weapons around. These massive Greenskin warriors are considered the enforcers and lieutenants of the tribe's current Greenskin Warboss, where their duties usually meant that they would go around and bash the heads of those disobedient Greenskin that tries to stir up trouble. Only the largest and most toughest Greenskin is allowed into this group of bruisers, and the most common way for a Greenskin to become a Big 'Un is to simply challenge one in combat.

    Common Goblins: Common Goblins can be found mostly in tribes with other goblins and orcs and their many different variations of goblins.

    Night Goblins: Night Goblins are a Goblin sub-breed. They live inside the mountains. Night Goblins dress predominately in black, and will only come out into the sunlight when they are suitably reinforced by considerable amounts of fungus beer. Night goblins that have drunk the infamous fungus beer become abnormally strong and lug into battle a huge ball and chain, these madcap goblins are called Night Goblin Fanatics.

    Forest Goblins: Forest Goblins are a breed of Goblins who live in the forests. Divided into several tribes and hidden in deep forests, Forest Goblins are always eager to raid and pillage isolated farms, villages, and sometimes even cities. They decorate themselves with large colorful feathers, which are used in certain combinations to distinguish tribesmen from foreigners. They also use warpaints, bones, and teeth as decoration. As metal ores are lacking in the forests, Forest Goblins usually wield weapons made of wood, bone, and rock. Some weapons and armor made of iron or steel might be traded and bartered from other Goblin or even Orc tribes. Spiders have a very important role in the culture and daily life of the tribes. Small and succulent Spiders are eaten, while others are kept as pets. Large horse-sized spiders are ridden as war mounts and small poisonous spiders are used by the tribal shamans. A shaman will put these spiders inside his mouth so that the spiders bite him on the tongue. The poisons will drive the shaman a bit mad but also stimulate the part of his brain that controls magic.

    Hobgoblin: Hobgoblins, a larger variety of 'standard' Goblins, are found living out on the Eastern Steppes of the world where they are ruled over by the Khans, all of whom answer to the Hobgobla-khan, the greatest of the hobgoblin warlords. Hobgoblins are known for being the most traitorous creatures in the world. "Backstabbing a friend" is often referred to literally in Hobgoblin society, so much that they have evolved a hard flat bone backplate where a stab is most likely.

    Goblin Doom Diver: Doom Diver Catapults are similar to Greenskin Rock Lobbers, except that instead of rocks they catapult goblins equipped with crude artificial wings. The Doom Diver Catapult was originally designed for aerial reconnaissance. Unfortunately, the Goblins were too busy enjoying the exhilaration, speed and the chance to look down on Orcs to draw the position of enemy forces on the piece of slate they were all given. It soon became apparent that the Doom Diver Catapult was more effective as a weapon. It remains very popular with the more crazed or stupid Goblins and attracts a ridiculous number of volunteers.

    Snotlings: Snotlings are the smallest and perhaps the most dull-witted of the Greenskin races. They possess pea-sized brains and behave very much like extremely enthusiastic and uncontrollable puppies. Most Snotlings only grow as high as a Man's ankle and have been known to infest both Orc and Goblin settlements, always scavenging in the heaps and dung of the camp's rubbish, and stealing anything which is not nailed down. Snotlings have a nasty tendency to often nab unwanted cast-offs, bits of scrap, trinkets or shiny metal and hide these treasures in a secret nook or hiding spot. Orcs tend to look upon their much smaller cousins with a certain degree of affection, often treating them as wayward and mischievous pets. Some Orcs in a tribe might try to capture one or two of these little creatures, feeding them small scraps of food, and training them to do tricks and menial task. The brightest of the Snotlings would do simple stuff like playing "Fetch" or do extremely simple labor such as carrying equipment or scratching off hard-to-reach scabs for their Orc owners.
    However, due to their small brain, they are not capable to do any real labor and as such will be replaced by their larger Goblin cousins to do their work for them. It is widely known that the Goblin race gravely despises their Snotling cousins. A Goblin finds it difficult and annoying when they try to sneak about without a mob of gleeful snotlings following him. Worst yet, these runts have a nasty habit of squeal-fully pointing out the guilty Goblins within the tribe, often showing off the hiding places of appropriated goods or murder scenes. As such, the Snotlings, in order to escape the wrath of their Goblin cousins, would often run between the legs of their protective Orc owners, which only infuriates the Goblins to no end.
  • Draconids

    Basilisk-Basilisk leather is a highly-valued material used to make fashionable shoes and women's handbags. For this reason, many men, their courage girded by gold lust, take to hunting them. Most of these hunts end in disaster, but some do manage to bag their prey, which has led to a drastic decline in this creature's numbers in recent years. Some mages and druids are of the opinion that basilisks should be included in programs meant to safeguard dying species. Everyone else thinks those mages and druids have gone completely mad.

    Cockatrice-Cockatrices do not shun direct fights, in which they strike furiously with wing and tail in an attempt to exhaust their foes. Blows from their beaks are especially dangerous, as they aim with deadly precision at exposed flesh and vital organs and leave bleeding, life-threatening wounds. When fighting them one should make liberal use of draconic oil as well as Grapeshot, whose shrapnel will pierce their delicate wings with ease.

    Forktails-Forktails owe their quaint name to the long sharp growths at the tip of their tails. A blow from this weapon can slice an oaken shield in two – along with the arm that was carrying it. Thus, though its name conjures images of cutlery, fighting a forktail is nothing like a dinner party and ends in death rather than dessert.

    Royal Wyvern-What most men do not know is that some monsters also possess such knowledge. For example, a royal wyvern from Velen had learned the danger of exposing itself to human eyes and arrows by flying high to pick out its prey from afar. Instead, it would lurk by the roadside and wait for military transports. In this way it grew fat on salted pork and beer, expanding until it resembled a dragon more than other, lesser members of its own kind.

    Wyvern-Typically a wyvern will attack from the air, attempting to knock its prey down using its wings. After it lands it will attack with its tooth-filled beak in an attempt to draw attention away from its most deadly weapon, the stinger that can be found at the end of its long tail.
  • Elementa

    Earth Elemental-Earth elementals can withstand a tremendous amount of punishment. Due to their enormous mass, they are virtually impossible to knock off balance. They do not bleed nor feel any pain from poison or even fire.

    Ice Elemental
    -An ice elemental is a mass of frozen water animated by magic. Deprived of consciousness or independent will, this elemental is boundlessly obedient to the orders of the mage who created it. Those orders usually contain but one syllable: kill.

    Fire Elemental-This elemental attacks using fireballs and streams of flame which reduce anything in their path to ashes in the blink of an eye. Like golems and other elementals, poison does not touch it nor does it bleed. Fire-based weapons not only do no harm but in fact, strengthen it - thus one should by no means think of striking it with Igni. Though vulnerable to silver blades, getting within sword's reach of one is dangerous due to the furnace-like heart they emanate. When fighting a fire elemental one should thus strike from a distance, using frost-spewing and dimeritium bombs, for they will do it the most damage.

    Golem-Golems are mindless matter brought to life by a spell. They obey their creator's orders without question. Their boundless strength, ability to withstand pain, endless patience and the fact that they neet not one jot of food or drink makes them the best servants or guards anyone could ask for. Once provoked, they will not tire of battle until they have either crushed their opponent or themselves crumbled to dust.
  • Automatons

    Mordred: A powerful automaton with a scythe. Will only attack you if you attack it first

    Lancelot: An automaton with a lance. Will only attack you if you attack it first

    Esclados: An automaton armed with two hand-blades. Will only attack if you attack first

    Lamorack An automaton armed with a mace. Will only attack if you attack
  • Dragon Ogres and Their Minions

    Dragon Ogres: Dragon Ogres possess a humanoid upper body with a horned head and the scaly lower body of a dragon, including four legs. Dragon Ogres are an ancient race whose origins lie in the distant past. Long before Elves had developed writing, or humans had learned how to make fire, the Dragon Ogres were alive and fighting in the mountains. Dragon Ogres are primeval, monstrous creatures, They are strongly associated with thunderstorms.

    Dragon Ogres Shaggoth: Shaggoths are the oldest and largest of the Dragon Ogres. Only the loudest and fiercest of thunderstorms can wake a Shaggoth from his slumber in the mountains. Provided they continue to bathe in lightning, Dragon Ogres continue to grow in size and power throughout their lives. There is no real limit to how massive one can become.

    Kholek Suneater: Kholek Suneater, Herald of the Tempest, also known as The Mountain Lord, is a powerful and ancient Shaggoth . Kholek is a Shaggoth of tremendous age. He is one of the first-born kin of Krakanrok the Black, father of the Dragon Ogres. Kholek was present when the terrible pact with the Dark Gods was forged, pledging their race to an eternity of servitude in exchange for immortality. The sagas tell that Kholek’s part in the bargain was such an affront to nature that the sun hid its face behind a bank of stormclouds and has never looked upon Kholek since that fateful day. True enough, Kholek’s coming is heralded by roiling black thunderheads. Where the Herald of the Tempest walks, a raging storm blots out the sun. Like all Dragon Ogres, Kholek is energized and enlivened by the power of lightning, roaring with triumph as crackling bolts of pure power play across his ancient and scaly body. He wears great plates of brass as his armor, the better to attract the tempest’s kiss, encrusted with the patina of age and blackened by soot. In his shadow march the mountain tribes that worship him as a primal god of destruction.

    Volfskreg People: Durning the awaking of the Dragon Ogres, the Volfskreg people saw Kholek as a divine being and began worshipping him as their god. Because of this, all the people entered his army, Volfskreg makes up the bulk of the army. Most troops lack armor, some of them do. But they make up with it with heavy-hitting damage

    Marauders: The basic troops that people in Volfskreg will see the most of. Armed with a sword or axe and shields, they ready to fight any battle to come. They have the same abilities as the Soldier class.

    Marauder Berserkers: Berserkers are more shock troops. Armed with two axes, they are some of the quickest foot troops they have. They have the same abilities as the Slayer class.

    Marauder Champions: Marauder Champions, who fight and kill with more skill and ferocity than their brethren, and so gain a higher status in their warrior hierarchies. They are armored and are the elite troops of Volfskreg. They have abilities both from the Soldier and Slayer Class

    Marauder Hunters: The are "archers" of the army are armed with guns, bows, and throwing spears. They have the same abilities as the Soldier class.

    Shaman-Sorcerer: They are the spellcasters of Volfskreg, Shaman Sorcerers are rightly feared due to their prophetic seer-craft and unholy mastery of the stormy Winds. They have the same abilities of the Witch Doctors.

    Ice Wolves: Wolves that have Blue and White fur and Blue that can freeze most things with its bite.

    Skin Wolves: They were once Volfskreg champions before being turned. They can move quicker then most units with a strong bite and sharp claws. Unlike werewolves they are forever like this and they attack durning the day and sometimes at night. They are not affected by the moon.

    Fimir: Fimir are a race of swamp-dwelling cyclops men with a beak and a scorpion tail. Fimir females, called Maerghs, are rarely born and are sterile. They lead the Fimir clans, and when a Meargh dies without a replacement her clan breaks apart into mercenaries that find work with other evil races. Both are generally magic users. Fimir have the ability to control mist. Since female Fimir cannot reproduce, the race reproduces by raiding humans from out of the fog, enslaving and sacrificing men while raping the women.

    Frost Wyrm: Frost are large two-headed dragons. Frost-Wyrms lurk in their underground lairs. With the appearance of giant, winged monsters, nobody is entirely sure of their true nature or origins, but they are certainly abominable creatures.

    Dungeon Bosses

    Aggedon: Aggedon, short for Armageddon, is a demon armed with a living cannon named Agony. (Thank you DazzlingDragon for the awesome drawing!)