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    This server is 16+
    General rules:

    1. Do not block, ignore or argue with staff in regards to punishments or requests to stop a conversation. Staff are volunteers here to help you, not be abused.

    2. Don't discriminate this includes sexism, racism or anything else of the sort. We are a welcoming LGBTQ+ server, run by members of the LGBTQ+ community, bigotry in all its forms will never be tolerated.

    3. NSFW content is strictly prohibited outside of select NSFW channels. Suggestive remarks are fine, but be wary of treading the line.

    4. Do not spam. This also includes posting massive blocks of text without context or using multiple lines to send something that you could have sent with one message.

    5. Do not advertise or self-promote without permission either in-server or DMs. Partnerships are available if you wish to seek them.

    6. English is the main language of the server. Please keep the use of other languages to a minimum unless for specialized RP purposes.

    7. Don't overdo it. Mention a person once or twice, but don't mention them, like, every thirty minutes.

    8. While you are not required to provide any verification of your identity, catfishing or otherwise falsifying your identity is punishable by ban.

    9. Your screen name should have at least one of your characters' names in it. 

    10. Topic-specified channels exist for a reason. Please ensure the comments you make relate to the topic channel. While some overlap is okay, flooding a channel is to be avoided (long off topic discussions).

    11. If there is an issue with a character's powers or the way you are role playing, and a staff member contacts you about it, you will not be allowed to rp until the issue is resolved. 

    12. Alternate accounts are prohibited unless sanctioned ahead of time. If an alternate account is discovered, it will be banned. Thanks for reading this far. The writing prompt is: Your character wakes up in an unfamiliar forest.(edited)
    [8:13 PM]
    Roleplay Rules:

    1.) Apply Effort. All entries should provide enough details to enable a response from your partner(s). There is no minimum, but if your partner requests somewhat more to work with, please do your best to accommodate them.

    2.) Proper grammar is a must, but small errors can be overlooked here and there - especially if English is not your first language.

    3.) You cannot be OP. Take some hits, fall for tricks. This doesn’t mean you have to act uncharacteristically stupid; just don’t godmode or anything like that.

    4.) Be fair. There is no strict turn order to follow, but do allow your partner(s) the ability to respond as needed. Your turn is a slice of cake. Sure, you might have taken a single slice, but that slice can't be, say, half the cake. 

    5.) As you cannot be in more than one place at once, "RP Locks" may happen. While we encourage you to unlock yourselves (exiting, basically), please be wary of your partner(s) schedule. Both sides are expected to provide some degree of forewarning when possible. If necessary contact a Staff member to help you.

    6.) There is no rule number 6. Do not talk about rule number 6. If you talk about rule number 6 then you will be properly announced insane.

    7.) Ask if you would like to join someone else's roleplay. Don't just hop in, if someone says no move on.

    8.) Your character can only be in one place at a time. You don't have to initiate entries and exits for each location you pass through, but you do have to make entries and exits for RPs you will be joining.

    9) The Sentinels are the peacekeepers of the land. They often step in to prevent character deaths and are capable of higher power than most. Fight them at your own expense, but these characters will not be easily beaten or swayed.

    10) To prevent confusion and potential complications, please add a code block to the end of a rp when it has ended, like so:

    This can be done by typing 6 "`" with a space after the first 3

    Tupper Rules:

    1)  No impersonation. Creating a tupper with the intent to impersonate a person or their character, including bots, will not be tolerated.

    2)  Do not use inappropriate Tuppers. Creating a tupper to spark controversy /drama is prohibited.

    3)  Only use approved Tuppers. Tuppers for your personal character, so long as it was accepted, may be created without requiring approval. Please ask before using NPC or Monster tuppers.

    4)  Keep Turn order in mind. If you have multiple characters within the same RP, you may use their tuppers and take their turns independently of one another. If you cannot keep track of this, please keep both characters' turns near the other.

    5) Tag After. Pinging with a tupper will result in a triple ping two in channel and one in tupper logs. To prevent too many ping-a-dings, please enter your @mention after the post is made.

    6) Use appropriately. Using tuppers outside of roleplay or approved channels can cause confusion and is prohibited.