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Forums » Phoenix Imperium » Vauc Berheemius

The Iron Walls of Vauc Berheemius

These walls stretch high into the air. Behind these walls rests the capitol city of Vauc Berheemius. Ruins of old walls, towers, and various other structures surround these walls.

These walls are crafted out an unknown metal used by their ancestors. There is only one way in and one way out unless you have proper rank to pass through smaller gates. At the top of the walls were archers that were primarily volunteer veterans looking for something to do.

Beyond these walls rest the heart of the entire state. Expect heavy suspicion if you just pop up. Enjoy your travels through the hot desert and into the oasis known as Vauc Berheemius.
Vauc Berheemius
Military and Law Capitol
Far Northeastern corner of the Valheecius Desert

Vauc Berheemius is a legendary spot in The Phoenix State. The original Six Faces that brought the tribes of the Gate of the Valheecius Desert and the cities of the Valheecius Desert together called this home. A mighty dragon known as Vauc Berheemius, the dragon of stone, also called this land home.

During an ancient war, when The Phoenix State first united, this land was home to a game changing battle. A mighty mage and Vauc Berheemius were fighting the last battle here. The mage summoned a wave of lava and Vauc Berheemius used his massive size to embrace this wave, and due to his cool temperature, sealed himself in the extrusive igneous rock. It is said that when the time comes, Vauc Berheemius will rise again.

Till that time, the people will live in a city they have carved out of the rock. Upon the dragons head rests the main building for the military and law. It stretches down the neck and to the ground. Completely protected by siege weapons built into the fortitude and the elite soldiers known as Phoenix State Royal Forces. These soldiers are trained in the way of the Kiraxo House. Designed to kill, they are highly recommended for protection.

Inside the building, you can also find the head of every military organization, tribe representatives, and various other parties involved with one or the other. The education here is focused and specialized in Military Science. Despite it's powerful military presence and strict doctrine, they welcome outsiders to their city.

Fueled by a lot of what few tax dollars The Phoenix State collects, Vauc Berheemius exports a lot of igneous rocks of value for jewely, armor, weapons, or whatever they could be used for. Although limited on exports, this city thrives due to it's higher class of people that like to retire here for it's safety and beauty.


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