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  • The Chain Effect

    It started with good intentions, as does most things, with an end result that did much more harm than good. It was a simple test to try and create an artificial black hole- in turn, solving humanity's garbage problem and probably much more.

    It was when this unstable, artificially created black hole started to react that things went south- reacting to its surroundings and the space it took up and it began to grow. It grew and it grew, consuming the factory it was held in, consuming the prairies surrounding it, and throwing the world's leading government officials into full-blown panic. It took 100 days to finally get it under control again, but by then it was already too big, spanning from the Americas all across the Atlantique and ending near the pyramids of Egypt.

    And yet, that was not the end of it. There was no way to compress it back into its small state, and no way to stop when happened next- no one could have even anticipated it.

    What are now referred to as "Ravens" began to emerge from the inky black abyss. Terrible, awful, horrifying creatures of all shapes and sizes, who only knew instinct and death. These monsters seek to snuff out all life they encounter, viscously massacring animal farms and wildlife and any town filled with people they came across.

    10 years later, and the war between Earth and the Ravens continues, with most of the earth's dwindling population of 5 billion staying inside cities and large towns protected by the governement. And a recent discovery has been made within the last few years- something that could change the course of this war entirely.

    Their taboo name became 'Crows'. These are the people- the rare few people, statistically being 1 out of 10 000- who have survived Raven attacks. People who have faced a Raven, whether voluntary or not, and lived to tell the tale.

    At first, this was thought to be a good thing. People were happy to know that, even though it was slim, there was a chance that they could too survive something as awful as a Raven- until the side effects came. It was discovered by a famed scientist: that if, no matter how small, a person is scratched, bit, stung, licked, stabbed or otherwise injured by a Raven, their blood cells and their DNA will mix with that of the Raven's, causing a severe genetic mutation in the body and fusing the two DNAs together to create one deformed, unstable SuperDNA.

    This causes mutations physically, mentally, emotionally- you name it, and it only gets worse as time goes on. If left unchecked, if left uncontrolled, if left in someone weak or unstable will cause extreme mutations and in most cases resulting in the victim completely turning into the Raven that injured them- only much, much more powerful and much, much more chaotic.

    To openly admit to having survived a Raven attack is social and actual suicide. Because no city permits Crows inside. And no sane person would ever reveal a secret as dark as that.