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  • Welcome to the Group!

    Welcome to the RPR Group for Cragsfall, a Game of Thrones and Skyrim inspired dream located in Furcadia. Placed on the main map of Imaginarium, you can find it right next to the Vinca portal near a gaggle of trees.

    This RPR Group will hold all the information contained in the forum for those who enjoy cavorting around the group pages. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to say them on the forum, or send me a message in my inbox, or whisper Roawan Hrojnir in game.

    Understand that the rules must be read, which is a common thing amongst groups and dreams, and that we value active players. I love thriving roleplay, and I love it often!
  • Activity

    No recent activity to show.

  • Group Announcements

    A Hopeful Clearing Up

    Posted By Guilder on Oct 2nd 2012

    I've had a few people from other Medieval dreams show up and try to say that I'm trying to be competitive with them. They accuse me of trying to muscle in on territory I didn't even know existed, and frankly it's rather upsetting.

    I am here for roleplay. I am here to enjoy myself, and I certainly...


    Dream Open and Ready for Business!

    Posted By Guilder on Sep 24th 2012

    Cragsfall is open and ready for business!