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Note-Worthy Reads

  • This will be a detailed history for Clockwork someday.

    It began with Captain Yoho, of Pirate. Under his leadership, we became more than rogues in the cold forest. We became a pack, a crew of well taught and well organized raiders. We stole what we needed to survive and in time, learned to exist in a sort of harmony that we would week with us until the end of our days.

    Life as a Pirate was good, but it wasn't to last. Captain Yoho became weary of his routine and in time, we saw less and less of him. As Autumn winds carried in the cold, as did it carry him away from us.

    Without the Captain, our den and ship were seized. We were homeless, packless and leaderless. Left to our own devices, we scattered.

    It wasn't long before some of us met up again in the Northern Desert. There, we vowed never to part again, and to protect each other as a family. In those days, we were not actually a crew anymore, but a rogue group of misfits with no where to go, and no name.

    It was Cacique, our youngest lady, who came up with the idea of reforming our old crew. It was Moxx, the only adult left, who decided to change the rules a bit, to keep us closer together as a crew and as a family. That cool Autumn night, as Winter drew nearer, Clockwork was formed.

    Hoisted Sails and Waving Flags.
    As Autumn faded into Winter, we worked hard to keep up with the times. Our food stores ran low, but our spirits, in contrast, were higher than ever before.

    But Concern was no stranger to us, even then. Our numbers were low. Captain Moxx was alone in leading a group of barely yearlings. With no other adults to assist in hunts and guarding the territory, we were forced to make a very grave decision- one that would prove beneficial in the end, despite our initial concerns.

    We moved to form a strong alliance with our neighbours, Jackpot. What started off as a simple aid-for-aid ended up becoming the start of our sistered alliance. Not longer after that, we moved into their main den with them and shared a territory. A temporary set up until our own crew could get back on our feet.