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Forums » Lounge » "Pandora's Box"-esque Idea

From this list me and Teddy agreed that the Pandora's Box idea could really be fleshed out for a running plot. I am going to post what I rambled about last night and share this thread, so we can all discuss it.


(03:28:03) Asgardian looking at all these good plot ideas and wonder if any of them jumped out at Teddy as good or must-dos.
(03:28:20) Asgardian: I keep getting distracted but I am thinking up things, i swear. /randomness
(03:29:52) Hulkling: I thought the pandors box one could be kinda fun, if we could get enough people to RP with us.
(03:31:10) Asgardian: That one sounded fun to me too :D
(03:31:24) Asgardian: I am sure we could convince other people to definitely rp with us as well
(03:33:38) Hulkling: yay
(03:42:24) Asgardian: Sif has a sword that Billy is interested in, because it lets its bearer travel the nine realms (aka from midgard to asgard). I wonder if Sif would be willing to "lose" the sword, and the adventures had with it could lead to some event which opens our "pandoras box" (whatever we make it to be) and sets off a chain of events. I know Loki had some ideas that could be tied into this actually, for a pretty big plotline. Needs fleshing out, but now I am thinking about this.
(03:43:26) Hulkling: I think that would work
(03:44:21) Asgardian: If you have any ideas or objections, feel free to interupt me too haha
(03:44:25) Asgardian could ramble endlessly.
(03:46:21) Hulkling: start rambling, I will help
(03:53:18) Asgardian: Well, I imagine that William would be really curious to see Asgard; unfortunately, it sounds like normal passage is something reserved for those native to the land and those deemed honorable by the king of Asgard. The only alternate way to get there would be magic; namely, in this case, lady Sif's sword. Billy has met her in character at a rest house on earth, while she was traveling between the realms, and she explained the purpose of why she carried that sword (so he know it exists and what it does). The idea starts with Billy and Teddy taking the sword, Teddy most likely not finding this a good idea but not about to let his boyfriend go and get lost alone so he can get arrested in Asgard or something. Billy says it'll be okay because they're good at evading things, plus they can just use the sword to get back. BUT of course, Sif will notice her sword is gone and be stranded on Midgard, and be forced to find Thor for help; Loki is going to notice his student is missing at this poin
(03:53:23) Asgardian: ...furc cut me off
(03:56:06) Asgardian: Loki will notice his student is gone, and depending on how he feels that could introduce him - he is Loki after all, so either he will care about Teddy and Billy's wellbeing or not. Well, in addition to all the spam I typed, our heroes need to find their pandora's box. They're both good guys, so it needs to be some mistake - and since Asgard (in the movies anyways) loves to have all these dangerous things left lying around I am sure we could think of something. *thinks*
(03:56:36) Asgardian: and we can get more people involved, if more want to, since I can imagine reasons why they'd get involved.
(03:57:10) Asgardian: I actually have to ask if Thor would even want to roleplay, since I haven't roleplayed with him yet and Loki didn't tell me if he was shy or not about group rp. I bet he would though.
(03:59:25) Hulkling: hmmmm it all sounds pretty good.
(03:59:32) Hulkling: is Lady Sif good or bad?
(04:00:33) Asgardian: I think she is good. ...she might be angry about her sword being stolen, BUT GOOD.
(04:02:07) Asgardian: another idea I had was that recently Billy was shown Loki's studyhouse, for when he needs a place to practice magic, so maybe there is something that shouldn't be messed with around in there. Though I'd have to ask Loki about that since it is his designed place.
(04:02:31) Asgardian: one minute, I am gonna go into my room since it is late
(04:03:00) Hulkling: the other idea would be a longer RP and all. More meat to it.
(04:04:00) Asgardian: yeah I agree