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Forums » FAQ » Things are a-go capt'in.

Alright guys, Lance is just finishing up adding the new forums but any forums you see you may now post in. :) Have fun!

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And I officially declare the forums 100% open. Let's party.
Will there be cookies at this party?
No. And that's only cause I know you'll steal them and use them in attempt to lure more people to the dark side. Heh.
Lies. I brought cookies.


Edit: I was cool enough to go all necromancer and bring back Pokemon Edwin and Bleach Edwin. -sagenod- I demand worshipers now.
And I demand tacos but that ain't happening now is it? *anime sweat drop*
*anime raegfaec*
*anime runaway!!!*
I can hear the echo! Echo echo! Of what I type! Type! Type!

Wait a minute, what's this I don't even