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Forums » Character Profiles » Lyn Croce

Full Name: Lynette Capricia Croce
Alias(es): Lyn, 8044
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Cadet
Affiliation: United Alliance, Imperial Confederacy (Former)
Current Residence: Hokkaido, Japan

Body Type: Thin and underweight, just healthy enough for life in space.
Height: 168cm (5'5)
Weight: 48Kg (105lbs)
Eyes: Small, deep set blue eyes
Scars: Multiple surgical scars along back, lower torso and head, 8044 tattoo on left forearm
Handedness: Left though shows slight ambidexterity
Complexion: Pale

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Family: Both parents deceased. UA Handler 'Mom'
Hometown: Halvenia space colony
Backstory: (wip) Lyn was born on the Halvenia space colony until she lost both of her parents to a colony hull rupture around her fifteenth birthday. While being tested for orphanage placement afterwards, Lyn exhibited above average intelligence and compatibility with projects being carried out by the Imperial Research Institute at the time.

The exact number of procedures carried out on Lyn is unknown, but examination shows that she endured extensive biotechnological and chemical enhancements. Most of the procedures appeared to have been attempts towards forcibly increasing the subjects cognitive functions and survivability in space.

Compared to her pre-IRI results, there are clear increases in Lyn's response times while her overall intelligence has decreased. Currently Lyn suffers what appears to be a form of mild cognitive impairment, suffering from occasional memory loss and occasional difficulty forming complex sentences.

Lyn has shown to suffer from an aggressive split personality disorder when under extreme duress, particularly when she feels threatened. It is unknown if this is an intended side effect of the procedures performed on her or a byproduct of trauma experienced during her time at the IRI.

While the other personality is of some concern, examiners believe that it is possible for Lyn Croce to return to a normal life though it is recommended that she be assigned a handler.

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Moderators: KingoftheArrows PsychoStorm