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Four years later ...

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Posted by Ilmarinen December 22nd 2016, 5:36am
Sarasha's first clutch was a success, with no hatchlings going rogue or seriously injured hopefuls. The arrival of new squawking chicks in the sanctum boosted the spirits of the entire colony, leading to nights of merriment before training could seriously begin.

The next weeks were exhausting--with only a small handful of adult Kyriders, each with their own normal duties to tend to, the work of bringing in enough food for the hatchlings fell upon everyone equally. By the time they were long-legged Kyrlets, they could begin to hunt for themselves, and some of the craziness of the early months fell way to routine. The activity has brought life back to the sanctum, and it is busier than it has been in a long time, full of hopefuls and new workers alike.

Now it is four years after the hatching. The clutch are young adults in the final stages of their training. A couple have ventured off with some of the other fully grown Kyriders on a long quest, for there have been some curious happenings on the southern slopes of Kala Ree, and Sarasha has chosen a mate for her second clutch. Her spirits soar in anticipation ...

Welcome back to Kala Ree, everyone! Anyone is welcome to join with a new character or keep playing their original one--or both! There will be a new batch of Kyrka very soon, and hopefuls are arriving in the sanctum to get their chance at making the Bond. Kyriders are expected to treat them with respect and dignity.

The sanctum now has a good number of NPCs flitting around--people to cook and clean, healers, hunters and gatherers, people to tend the livestock, etc. Feel free to make use of them, or even join as one of them! It isn't by any means a bustling metropolis (there are maybe 50 people) but it's many more than it was.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Post here or PM me! I'll make another announcement when we're officially open for RP. There are a lot of things I need to tweak still, and I won't be too terribly active until the new year. But feel free to start putting in your applications and I'll have a look at them!

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