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why does nobody caaaaarreeee

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I care about you
nah nobody doessss
Does too. :)

My phone is about to die, though.

*takes your hand, pulls you close, hugs you tight*

I love my genuis friend Tardis. Too smart for her age. Can't get enough of smart ppl. Only if they're nice too though, which is true of you, giant blue police box.
Here's a better question...whyyy do you feel that way? Wanna talk about it? (Except my phone is about to die so...but eventually I mean.) Oh bother...phones that need charging. We'll take care. Hope ya feel better. *poofs*

You know I care but I'm going through a lot right now. We all care about you Tardis and we will always be here for you
@Abigail_Austin Thanksh ^-^ *Hugs*

@Alpha_Wolf245 but why not tell me what's wrongggg?

Well I have to take time explaining
then pls do owo
eh maybe
ugh im sorry guys...... i should really just go
What happened?
TardisCatTwo wrote:
ugh im sorry guys...... i should really just go

No, you shouldn't.
Tardis, if you leave then you know what will happen
TardisCatTwo wrote:
ugh im sorry guys...... i should really just go
hugs please don’t we love you
just going on a semi-hiatus
i'm sorry.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3