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Posted by DeeDay February 9th 2019, 3:18am
Hello, my friends!
This is the first group announcement in 2019, so before saying anything id have to say, happy new year. I hope we have a great year together roleplaying and having fun, exploring the world of Phirals in medieval ages. It's a long time we are roleplaying in this group and finally, we reached page number 5. This isn't a great success because there were plenty of problems which stopped us from roleplaying from time to time, but we didn't give up and we didn't leave the history of Phirals. We continued so finally we made the story great with a new creativity power and imagination. These days we were a bit inactive for some several reasons. My friend's grandfather passed away and because of his important character we couldn't roleplay for something like five or six days, but we are currently ready and roleplaying.
There is only one problem and its about members. We are still recruiting new, pro roleplayers to keep the story and game world going, not actually the kings, we also need more side characters. So don't be shy and if you are interested in roleplaying with us, just make your character ready, follow the rules, PM me, and MAKE YOURSELF READY TO HIT THE ROAD!
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