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  • The rules listed here also apply to the forum as well to in-dream activity. We don't want to rules-lawyer people to death, but there are a few important points we need to make. Also, we're here to have fun, so anything that damages the fun of people in the dream is going to be frowned on.

    1) Don't be a jerk.

    There aren't a whole lot of ways to explain this or much that needs to be said, but there are a few key points we would like to make. We are also not going to try listing out every way a player can be a jerk, but it's pretty obvious what we mean when we say it, so don't try and claim it's not in the rules.
    • Metagaming/Powergaming. Don't do it.
    • Don't be a jerk OOCly. This includes being rude or making fun of other people, being rude to staff who are enforcing the rules, or being a jackass for any reason whatsoever.
    • Preps MUST be employed unless every person in the combat/scene agrees they aren't necessary. The only exception to everyone agreeing is if a staff member mandates no preps are needed for a scene (usually for purposes of not making folks wait a million years to post).
    • You may in no uncertain terms make sexual advances on people on an OOC level in a way that makes anybody uncomfortable. If this occurs, you will be warned once. If it continues to occur, you will be banned.
    • This is kind of important: do not engage in sex play or extreme violence in public. It just isn't cool and violates our dream's rating as T+.

    2) No modern tech or characters.

    The timeline is Medieval/Renaissance (1550 is the cutoff). While we are not going to be overbearing about requiring complete period accuracy, you cannot wear jeans and have a gat. Sorry. Pretty self-explanatory. Time travelers are welcome. That said - the act of time traveling means that when you arrive in this time you get here naked and with no weapons. Sorry!

    Because it has come to our attention that this is a point of confusion for magitech characters--we do permit magitech in the dream that is more magic than tech. Technology in the dream should be almost on par with Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions with magic added. The portals in the dream are based on glamour; the "futuristic" looking parts of them are just small pieces designed to channel glamour to certain points. None of it is machinery more complicated than a water wheel.

    3) No canon characters or races from other intellectual property.

    We will not permit characters from outside mythos (like having an Airbender or Dr. Who). You are welcome to make characters very similar to other canons (a Ba Gua-using aerokinetic), but we request you don't grab other canons because it requires us to adjust our world to account for those canon existing, and it could cause continuity errors and headaches for us!

    4) Consent is limited.

    Consent may only be used in a few specific settings: death, mutilation, sexual situations, and kidnapping. You cannot use the consent rule to get out of consequences for your RP. The reason for this is we have, in the past, had issues with people "not consenting" to fair consequences for their IC actions (such as going to jail).

    Also, there is a distinct line between players wanting to kill characters and characters wanting to kill characters. If you, as a player, are intending to kill another player's character, you are giving up the rights to not consent to them attempting to kill your character (powergaming/BS not withstanding). If your character wants to kill another character, but you as a player are happy to have them survive somehow, you do not have to give up consent. When in doubt, you should talk to the other player and work it out in advance!

    5) Do not break Furc's TOS.

    Seriously. If you need a refresher on what those are, please review them on Furcadia's website.

    6) Do not destroy buildings or large areas of the dream without permission.

    Pretty self explanatory. No. You may not burn down the tavern without permission (though breaking a window or something is okay). We actually dreamweave around these events, so if you want to do something big, talk to us first please! We might even help you plan and execute it with emits, special effects, and other tools at our disposal.

    7) Please do not plan large events in-dream without the knowledge of the staff.

    By "large" we mean events that would involve a lot of people in a public area of the dream (you don't need us involved to have a wild kegger at your place, we promise). It's not that we don't want you having them, we just like to know what's going on, so if someone asks us what's up we can tell them. It also gives staff a head's up if there's some major stuff going down. We aren't likely to veto any events that do not break our rules, so don't be afraid to approach us with your ideas and plans!