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  • Be respectful! That means you cannot harass other members for replies, hog the spotlight, or insult someone else or their character.

    No room jumping. If something interesting is happening in one room and you are in another then you cannot somehow know what is going on in the other room. You must go into that room and ask what is happening.

    Be fair! If someone else's character asks what is going on, think about how you would feel in the same position. It is fine to keep personal details of your character to yourself, but be considerate about main plot details.

    Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and things like that are absolutely prohibited. Think before you apply with characters that are ""crazy"" or cr*ppled. Mentally ill and disabled characters are more than welcome, but as a general rule please be respectful about roleplaying minorities that you aren't a part of.