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  • Species and art by Jesse Bananasaurus, . You may trace and use as reference, as well as make your own jotunnhundr, but you may not claim any tracings, nor the species, as your own. Yes, both Hundar species are OPEN species, but you MUST join this group! Please apply with your jotunnhundr!

    (Fridr the Jotunnhundr; See Quadruped Linework/Base in Gallery to Make Your Own for $3!)


    Species Name: Jotunnhundr (pronounced: YOH-tuun-HOOND; plural: Jotunnhundar/Jötunnhundar).

    Also Called: Ice Hounds, Frost Wolves, Winterwolves.

    Origin: The plane of primordial ice and darkness, Niflheimr.

    Lifespan: 800-1,200 years (possibility of immortality).

    Quadruped Height: Max 60 inches (the size of a pony) for females. Max 68 inches for males.

    Quadruped Weight: 220-300 lbs.

    Biped Height: 6’2” to well over 7’6”.

    Biped Weight: 250-500 lbs.

    Diet: Omnivorous (mainly carnivorous).

    Physical Characteristics:
    • Bone Structure: Hollow bones (except ribs and the long bones in their legs (i.e. upper and lower forelimbs). Deep, narrow-chested.
    • Eyes: Black pupils with dark blue, dark purple, or dark red irises, and white, light blue, or light purple sclera ("whites" of the eyes).
    • Ears: Vary in shape, but always long and often rabbit-like with a single split that curls outward.
    • Antlers: Antelope-like, pronged antlers are extremely common in every gender, and many have curls to them like the anthro example. They are hollow, but do not fall off naturally like deer.
    • Nose: Rabbit-like nose with fur covering everything but the nostrils. Dog-like noses like the first picture are rare and likely a result of cross-breeding.
    • Teeth: They have rabbit-like buck teeth (incisors), along with wolf-like canines and deer-like molars.
    • Paws/Hooves: Deer-hoof-like toes numbering in three (four if you count the dew-toe) with a crescent-shaped heel paw pad behind.
    • Wings: Hollow-boned, attached at a shoulder joint and hip joint, able to "vaporize" and re-materialize at whim.

    • Coat: 2-4 inches long, slightly curly texture, thick, double-coated (outer being coarse and water resistant, inner being silken and oily). Usually white or very pale blue or lavender in main coat color with some mutations of rust red markings and/or manes in some family lines. All have similar swirling patterns along their backs, haunches, and shoulders.
    • Tail: Long and thin, with a drape of long, silken fur that starts about mid-way down.

    • Common Ailments: Heat exhaustion (when in tropical climates), ice lung (when their own frozen breathe forms ice crystals in their lungs and hinders breathing)
    • Gestation: is around 12 months, and litter size almost never exceeds 2. Able to breed successfully with most canine, deer, horses/unicorns/pegusi, rabbits/jackalopes, and even some dragon, human, and elven species. Other species (especially avian or aquatic) have a very low chance of successful cross-breeding.
    (Size reference)

    Behavioral Characteristics:
    • Activity Time: Crepuscular/Nocturnal.
    • Social Structure: Matriarchal packs consisting of immediate and extended family, and close friends lead by a Matriarch.
    • Mating Habits: Semi-monogamous (may have an average of 2-3 mates a lifetime, always long-term relationships).

    • Capable of flight thanks to their powerful wings and (mostly) hollow bones.
    • Able to vanish/vaporize their wings to appear wingless. The less talented are left with three-pronged protrusions from their shoulder blades.
    • Frost breath is their signature move. Sometimes they get 'ice lung' because of this ability. See above.
    • Shape-Shifting: Individuals practiced in the art of magic are capable of changing their shape. Many choose a bipedal version of their quadruped form, or even humans and alfar. Those of middling skill are unable to hide their antlers in some or all forms.
    • Telepathy: Whenever they are in an animal/non-anthro form, they are able to communicate, telepathically, with other sapient animals/shifters.

    Species by Jesse Banansaurus. Candle-in-the-Dark/Bananasaurusy.
    • Original Deviant Art Page Submitted by Me on July 13, 2008. Missing antlers; canine-like nose incorrect and result of hybridization