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  • Base Camp

    About ten minutes walk away from the main buildings of the infamous slave trading haven known as the Golden Tether on Guildereim, an unassuming stone wall juts out of the undergrowth of the jungle, which had begun reclaiming the building.

    The Lady Açelya has used her seemingly inexhaustible funds to rent out a portion of the lands owned by the Tether to refurbish an old barracks that was no longer in use, creating a base of operations for the mercenary company known as the Vulpine Vandals, Guildereim's only company populated entirely by foxes and their kin.

    A banner hangs on the door, leaving no doubt as to who occupies the space.

    Original image credit to jeevani on DA

    Two male red foxes stand guard at the door, and challenge anyone approaching to identify themselves and to state their business. Arrow slits in the wall are manned at all times. Security, obviously, is not taken lightly.