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Forums » Wild Lands » Sol and Drathir Come Home

Bella was laying at the top of the plateau, just eyeing the land. It was twilight, and the sun was just setting, while the moon was starting to peep over the skyline. She loved this time of day, when it was quiet, and she could focus on the feel of the land.

Since the war, things had been peaceful, and that's how Bella liked it. She wasn't sure where Neji was, and Martivir was in his den, hiding away from the world. It wasn't right, but he did miss his twin. He felt incomplete without her.
Night was not his preferred time to do anything. The chill of the black sky and the glow of silver moon sapped his strength and left him as little more than any other wolf. Of course he was so much more than any typical wolf, that much was clear from the smouldering spark in his eyes hinting at the elemental power he could harness and from the powerful build of his body which would be considered alpha quality in any average wolf pack. However the pack of The Wild Lands was far from an average pack. And he was returning to it as a skulking dog.

His sister had returned with him, but he had asked Drathir to let him find Bella by himself and he would call her after he had spoken to her alone. She had been displeased but had humored him and so had kept to the edges of the plateau. She knew it was an exercise in pointlessness, Bella had been gifted with the ability to sense when anyone or anything entered her territory but it kept her brother happy so she held back.

It did not take him long to find Bella, he'd picked up a fresh scent trail as soon as he'd stepped into the long grass at the base of the plateau. Now having followed it up he saw her off in the distance. He froze as the wind carried her raw scent to him. She would not be pleased to see him, or at least, would be extremely angry with him. He had left the pack at a pivotal moment before the war. Bella would never forgive him for that.

Swallowing the thick lump in his throat he moved forward, every step feeling like his paws were made of lead and as he drew ever closer his ears fell down and his tail drooped.

He stood in silence for a few moments when he reached her, standing behind her with his head turned away from her to gaze across the plateau focused on nothing. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
Neji was doing what he did best, bounding around in the woods being the ridiculous silly pup he was at heart. Granted he couldn't do the things he used to do, he wasn't as strong or light on his feet as he used to be. But he still tried, and though this squirrel hunt didn't produce anything he still felt like he accomplished something by getting even the smallest bit better.

It was on his return journey that he scented the two strange wolves, not being of this pack originally he'd never met Sol or Drathir but...Neji was a warrior and so as he picked his way back he decided to come in behind them. Keeping his approach silent and deadly, since his scent blended into the lands and the forest he wasn't afraid of being picked up. But rather he slunk across the ground in clear sight of his mate and hoped for the best.
Fire climbed out of her den her large eyes and irregular skinny frame outlined against the moonlight. she hadn't groomed herself in a long time since the war and she often didn't like being around her pack. She went to go hunt her tiny yet slender build good for hunting rabbits and squirrels, although if she were to hunt deer or elk she would surely be crushed.