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  • Season:
    Member Count: 2 ♀ & 1 ♂
    Generation: 2
    Current Residence:
    Recruiting: Open | Closed

    History of the Clan
    Shetani was established by Princess Lilita and a rogue male named Judas. When she was born, Lilita was graced by Anapa himself with the gift of a full white face, which caused others to flock to her side, believing that she was a vessel to the gods. In the beginning, Shetani worshipped only the God of Death, Anapa, as her desire to continue on acting as his vessel only intensified with each new face introduced to the ranks.

    The clan's origination came from the names of Anapa's undead spirits that assist him with carrying out his duties.

    Lilita leads Shetani with an iron fist for years until she is prepared to settle down and have cubs with her favored male, Judas. The Queen is blessed by Anapa and has a litter of 3 cubs without much complication. Among the triplets, there is a split-faced female, and two males. The female is given the name Erissa and is quick to dominate her brother, Orthos, and sister, Fate, throughout their childhood. It was very quickly decided that the princess also carries the power of Anapa, like her mother, and will become the next Queen of Shetani.

    However, this was not to go as planned.

    Once she reached mature age, Erissa had been discovered to enter an incestuous relationship with her brother, Orthos. Upon discovery, the siblings were demoted to the lowest ranks of their hierarchies with the decision that the Queen will go on to birth a second, more worthy, litter. War and deceit break out among the ranks as Erissa and Orthos pick off their fellow clan mates, one by one, until Erissa works to reclaim her high rank. Not only did she reclaim her position, she also took the throne. Lilita and Judas fell to the jaws of their own flesh and blood.

    Now, the generation begins anew with Erissa and Orthos ruling the clan, alongside their followers. Their goal? To rebuild their palace back to it's former glory, with a wicked twist. Shetani was now accepting a new, more fierce, god into their hearts and his name would be Sebek. This hulk of a beast, as the new rulers decided, would receive frequent blood sacrifices of their enemies, and perhaps even some of their own... If they were to betray Shetani.
  • (Old) Updates

    -While conducting a meeting between Hideous and Patcher, informing them of Snatcher and Frygg's absences and then declaring that Patcher is old enough to be put through trials in order for him to receive his rank, a strange female intrudes on the lands. Hindee charges the female and the two lock jaws in battle, literally. After damage is dealt to both parties, the unnamed female submits beneath the Queen's heavy weight. Hindee sees her as a worthy opponent and thus gives the female the choice of joining the clan or perishing. She silently accepts. The dark stranger joins the clan and is placed in the rank of Valkyrie.

    -During the night hours, Mansa approaches the clan with an offering of a gazelle doe stolen from a pack of dogs. He has an pregnant female in his presence, which Hindee can only assume is one of his consorts. A short conversation is had before the two return to their own sleeping quarters.
    -Before the day is up, the Queen travels to the swamps in search of Azer. Along her way she encounters a herd of gazelle and claims one as an offering to the dark female she has not encountered in many weeks. To her luck, she finds Azer in the marshlands and learns that she has begun a pride named Cosa with her daughters. Azer also left Amun as a result of her King's obvious madness. After a much flattering conversation, the two Queens agree on an alliance between the two groups. With her day ending with great success of obtaining not just one, but two alliances with lion prides of all things, Hindee takes her leave from the Cosa swamps to reunite with the missing Hideous for the night.
    - With Hideous recovered enough to venture out of the burrow with his Queen, the two make their way across the territory to access the damage done by the fires. The two find themselves at what was once Amun's den site, discovering that the lands were scorched into nothingness. As the two look around for any sign of the pride, a black male and a split-faced female run up to them. They introduce themselves as Mansa and Izarra, Hakimu(King) and Malkia(Queen) of the Ajali pride. Mansa informs them that Gorelick had gone mad and his followers began to leave the lands. He sought revenge on those who left and betrayed his alliance with Ajali by lying to the Hakimu. It was also found that Azer was the eye of Gore's revenge. Mansa discovered Azer in the Swamplands and battled with her. After discovering the truth about Gore, Mansa went to the North with Azer to end the mad king's rule. Except, Gorelick was already sick with a fever and passed on before their eyes. After further conversation, Mansa and Hindee agree on striking up an alliance between the two kingdoms. Shetani has been invited to reside within the Eastern Territory. Hindee has accepted their gracious invitation. Shetani will now be located in the Eastern burrow.

    - Lightning strikes from the passing storms result in brush fires erupting across the lands of Utadi. The Northern Territory, that Shetani is residing within, is devastated. Hideous is severely burned, half of his face turning into nothing more than a slab of flesh. The family remains within their burrow until he is healed enough to join in on hunts.

    - Time and time again, Hindee and Hideous make their way to Amun lands to converse with the residents. However, Gorelick has become more or less a shadow than anything in result to his unexpected illness. For now the clan will keep their distance from the pride and continue seeking new blood to enter their ranks.
    - A month after the birthing of the royal litter, The Queen decides on which of the trio will be sacrificed to Sebek. The King & Queen leave behind the twins Patch & Snatch, as they carry off their brother Thatch to meet the beast of a god. Without a second thought, or even an apology, Hindee offers her child to Sebek with the utmost respect, before throwing his small body into the jaws of the beast. The screams of their son being devoured carried on with the winds, but her heart stayed strong through it all. With the sacrifice completed, the couple received Sebek's boon and then returned to their remaining offspring.
    - An unexpected surprise this morning, when Hindee awakens to movement in her belly. With Hideous looking on, she gives birth to three healthy pups, all male. It's hard to tell right now, but there appears to be a set of twins! The King & Queen name the three- Snatch, Patch, & Thatch. It's hard to decide on which of the three will be sacrificed to the God Sebek, but the choice will be made soon.

    - The Queen & King enter the North once again, as Hindee is interested in studying the lion Pride. While the King is not present, there is a small white cub and two females there. The royals meet Azer the beauty with the coat of night and Asia the mahogany. The Queen speaks with the two females for a while, before taking her leave to rest for the night. She intends to return later to see about speaking with this King Gorelick on an alliance between the two species.

    -Hindee enters a short heat and Hideous successfully impregnates her. The god Sebek must be sharing his blessing with them at last.

    - Having finally returned to the Northern lands, Hindee encounters a male and female lion. The two females she watched before do not seem to be present any longer, but the scent of lions is now stronger than before. After striking up a conversation with the male, Hindee discovers that the male is King of the residing pride.

    - A while later, Hindee stumbles upon a couple of female lions to the North. She is curious of them, considering she has not encountered one close up and watches them. When they fall asleep, she moves on to explore the lands in search of other 'yeen. She plans to return, however.

    - Times are rough for the Queen & King of an empty clan. They are reduced to living as rogues until they are able to recruit new followers. In an attempt to add numbers to their group, they successfully mate and within a few months a single child is born. The first born son, named Frederik, came into life ill and is not expected to survive to adulthood. The King & Queen decide to sacrifice him to the Crocodile God, Sebek, in hopes of receiving his blessing of fertility for their next litter.

    - The Queen Lilita has fallen to the jaws of her children, unwilling leaving the throne to her daughter Hindee. The other members of the clan have moved on, refusing to follow commands of a corrupt soul. Delighted by finally re-obtaining what was rightfully hers, she and her brother Hideous, move Shetani into new lands as the new Queen & King and begin to recruit new followers.

    - All hopes of another litter have faded away. The King was found slaughtered along the outskirts of the lands. It has not yet been brought to light that this ruthless murder was conducted by his own spawn, resulting in an uproar among the ranks. Hindee and Hideous climb the ranks, regaining their high status they had previously lost. Queen Lilita has fallen into a deep depression, refusing to leave her burrow or even hunt.

    - The Queen has been told troubling news. Her precious daughter Hindee and her knightly son Hideous have been tainted by the spirits and are discovered to being involved romantically. All thoughts of passing the throne on to her strongest daughter have been thrown away. The two have been disowned, placed at the lowest possible ranks and shamed. Queen Lilita has made it known that she will bear a new litter so that she may find a worthy heir.

    - Queen Lilita gives birth to her first litter, daughters and a son. King Judas is pleased with the chance of raising his son into a warrior.

    - Shetani is founded under Queen Lilita.