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    • The Queen's word is law to all of Shetani. Disrespecting her comes at a cost.
    • The King's word is not solid to females of Shetani, only males. While his words may hold some meaning to females that are accepting of his wisdom, he only leads the males. This rank is on the same respect level as the female warriors & scouts.
    • Royal Males are on the same respect level as the unranked females, despite their rank within the King's hierarchy.
    • All other males, aside from the above listed, are ranked below the lowest ranked females. They have their own ranking system and are led by the King, while also obeying the Queen's law and command.
    • ALL MALES ARE TO RESPECT FEMALES. Aggression towards a female in the clan is NOT acceptable, unless otherwise stated by the Queen. Failure to submit, show respect, or act accordingly will result in SEVERE punishment or even death.
    • Cubs of dominant females automatically outrank adults subordinate to their mother. However, rank in cubs is greatly dependent on the presence of the mother; low-ranking adults may act aggressively toward higher-ranking cubs when the mother is absent. Death is a probability.
    • Breeding is open to all ranks. Having life-long mates will not be acceptable in Shetani as it is not how the species operates. Spotted Hyena may have a favored male/female, but they will never take on a mate.
    • If your character is seen as a deserter, there are some options that the Queen will mull over on how to deal with them... KOS: Kill on Sight, COS: Capture on Sight, NAT: No Action Taken. If your character is to be COS, this means your character will be forced to return to Shetani lands where they will then be punished and then either released to go where they please, or forced to remain in the clan as a prisoner.

      • No OOC to IC or vice versa. This will result in an instant boot from the clan.
      • We are pretty lenient on activity. We get that real life gets in the way sometimes, but if you do not log on at all over the span of a month(without inactivity excuse) you will be removed from the clan and your character will be seen as a deserter.
      • OOC needs to be contained within brackets of some sort. If it begins to get too wild during RP, you'll be asked to take it to whispers or leave the area.